Radical Homosex Revolutionary Jeremy Corbyn Panders to Depraved Trannies Before Election

The radical homosex activist Jeremy Corbyn has singled out trannies for election pandering.

Trannies are a fraction of 1% of the UK population. So how can this incompetent marxist buffoon believe that pandering to them will make any difference at the polls?

Most trannies are too busy injecting heroin, crack and doing anal group sex in filthy abandoned buildings to vote anyway.

It just shows how out-of-touch these psychotic leftists are when it comes to their own sacred cow system of democracy. White people are still the demographic majority of the UK, yet this marxist-infested Labour party panders to every possible demographic except for whites.

This clown show has no end.

The UK LibDem party is earnestly campaigning on prioritizing asylum of tranny and homo refugees fleeing conservative cultures.

So this party is quite literally pandering to foreign nigger trannies who can’t even vote in the UK elections!

Wow, I’m just speechless, folks.

The apparent endgame of all liberal politics is to establish a Tranny Dictatorship.

It could also be that Corbyn’s unique style of homosexual brownnosing is designed with the sole purpose of putting a sadistic smile on the face of radical sodomite revolutionary Owen Jones.

One thought on “Radical Homosex Revolutionary Jeremy Corbyn Panders to Depraved Trannies Before Election

  1. If a tranny dicatorship is coming, at least, IΒ΄d like Paris Lees for dictator. She is better looking than most females.

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