Rudy Giuliani To Magazine: I’m More of a Filthy Scheming Jew than George Soros

Rudolph Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City who helped the Mossad orchestrate the 9/11 attacks so that Israel could organize a series of wars against its moslem rival states, has told a magazine that he’s more of a filthy beguiling Jew than globalist ringleader George Soros.


Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani told New York magazine in an interview published Monday that he is “more of a Jew” than billionaire left-wing philanthropist George Soros.

Soros, who was born in Hungary and survived the Holocaust as a child, has sponsored radical anti-Israel movements such as J Street and is a benefactor of other far-left groups.

The relevant passage, in an article by Olivia Nuzzi, is as follows:As we sped uptown, he spoke in monologue about the scandal he co-created, weaving one made-up talking point into another and another. He said former ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, whom he calls Santa Maria Yovanovitch, is “controlled” by George Soros. “He put all four ambassadors there. And he’s employing the FBI agents.” I told him he sounded crazy, but he insisted he wasn’t.

“Don’t tell me I’m anti-Semitic if I oppose him,” he said. “Soros is hardly a Jew. I’m more of a Jew than Soros is. I probably know more about — he doesn’t go to church, he doesn’t go to religion — synagogue. He doesn’t belong to a synagogue, he doesn’t support Israel, he’s an enemy of Israel. He’s elected eight anarchist DA’s in the United States. He’s a horrible human being.”

Giuliani certainly gives Soros a run for his money in terms of the archetypical scheming Jew phenotype.

Giuliani says that his opposition to Soros is not anti-Semitic because he’s more of a Jewish cocksucker than Soros is, pointing to his long political history of ankle-grabbing for Israel. He forgot to note his stellar credential as a facilitator of the Mossad’s 9/11 attack and its subsequent coverup.

The philosemitic Breitbart article hailed Giuliani as a better, more consistent champion of Jewish racial supremacy than Soros:

As Breitbart News argued in 2018, Soros is both a victim of antisemitism, and a perpetrator. He is often the target of conspiracy theories that have classic antisemitic themes, but he is also associated with left-wing causes, such as the Women’s March, that have anti-Israel and antisemitic tendencies.

Giuliani has a long history of support for the Jewish community, Jewish causes, and the State of Israel, including during his tenure as mayor of New York. He currently serves as President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer.

The Breitbart writer of this article is Joel Pollack, a quintessential Jew.

Mr. Pollack tells us that the only problem with Mr. Soros is that the radical leftist forces that he throws money at are not sufficiently servile to the Jewish race.

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