ZOG-Occupied France Passes Resolution Defining Criticism of Israel as “Anti-Semitism”

Things just keep going downhill for Le France.

The Jew occupation of that country is really something out of this world.

Now the evil Macron government is taking steps to criminalize any speech deemed unfavorable to Israel.


The lower house of France’s parliament on Tuesday approved a draft resolution that calls hate of Israel a form of anti-Semitism, drawing praise from Jerusalem and Jewish groups.

The 577 members of the National Assembly voted on the draft, which also calls on the government to join other European nations in adopting the definition of anti-Semitism of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.

The resolution was backed by 154 lawmakers while 74 opposed it.

The IHRA definition states that some forms of vitriol against Israel, including comparing it to Nazi Germany, are examples of anti-Semitism, though criticizing Israel’s policies is not.

“The National Assembly… believes that the operational definition used by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance allows for the most precise designation of what contemporary anti-Semitism is,” the text of the resolution reads in part. “It considers it an effective instrument for combating anti-Semitism in its modern and renewed form, in that it encompasses manifestations of hatred toward the State of Israel justified solely by the perception of the latter as a Jewish collective.”

This was conspicuously timed with that hoaky swastika vandalism at a Jewish cemetery.

Seems Jews are vandalizing themselves yet again as a pretext to shut down the internet.

These totalitarian lunatic Jews are absolutely insane.

The tolerance of the goyim for these Jewish shenanigans is running thin.

One thought on “ZOG-Occupied France Passes Resolution Defining Criticism of Israel as “Anti-Semitism”

  1. None of this is surprising to me; I’ll expect that in a few years, just uttering the word ‘Jew’ will be enough to convict somebody of being an anti-Semite. Anything that makes others aware of Judaism or Semites; anything that brings those ideas to the forefront of the mind will someday be considered an illegality.

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