Bernie Sanders Admits He’s a Racial Supremacist Jew Hellbent on Implementing Jewish World Governance

Bernie Sanders has confirmed in an interview with the New York Times that he’s a racial supremacist Jew and is pursuing a racial supremacist Jewish agenda.


In an interview with The New York Times ahead of the paper’s endorsement of a Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders said he is “proud to be Jewish” but is “not actively involved in organized religion.”

“I am Jewish,” Sanders told the Times’ editorial board when asked whether he believes in God. “I am proud to be Jewish. I was bar mitzvahed from the Kings Highway Jewish Center, a long time ago. I am not actively involved in organized religion.”

The Times notes in a comment in the interview that “if elected, he would be the first Jewish president, and also one of few who have openly discussed a disconnect from organized religion.”

The Vermont senator goes on to say that he believes in God and in freedom of religion, contrasting himself with President Donald Trump, whom Sanders says practices discrimination by restricting immigration from a number of Muslim majority countries.

The Times is publishing its editorial board’s interviews with Democratic candidates ahead of its endorsement, which is set to appear on Jan. 19.

Sanders, 78, was for a long time reluctant to talk about his Jewish heritage during his 2016 presidential campaign. Some of his campaigners have made his Jewishness central to his 2020 campaign.

Did you read that?

Sanders says that he’s “proud to be Jewish”.

This is classic Jewish codespeak for: “I believe Jews are better than all other races and were chosen by god to rule the whole earth from Jerusalem as prophesied by Isaiah in our Jew book.”

In an article for Jewish Currents, Sanders made clear the true mission of his presidency: stopping white nationalists from criticizing Jews and pursuing self-determination for our race.

It is true that some criticism of Israel can cross the line into antisemitism, especially when it denies the right of self-determination to Jews, or when it plays into conspiracy theories about outsized Jewish power. I will always call out antisemitism when I see it. My ancestors would expect no less of me. As president, I will strengthen both domestic and international efforts to combat this hatred. I will direct the Justice Department to prioritize the fight against white nationalist violence. I will not wait two years to appoint a Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, as Trump did; I will appoint one immediately. I will also rejoin the United Nations Human Rights Council, which Trump withdrew from. The United States should not be sitting on the sidelines on these important issues at the UN; we should be at the table helping to shape an international human rights agenda that combats all forms of bigotry and discrimination.

Well, there it is, filthy goyim.

Mr. Sanders here has one solitary goal in life: ensuring that his Jewish race retains its slave-whip over the white race.

He promised his fellow Jews to immediately champion legislation to scuttle the growing awareness of the Jewish problem as well as impede activist efforts by whites to secure the existence of our people.

Why is it that this Jew bigot can be “proud” of his people but whites cannot? Why can his race pursue their destiny in a racial ethnostate, Israel, but whites cannot?

I think we all know why: he and his tribe are spearheading an all-out race war against us.

Sanders is not happy with Trump because Trump only secured Jewish racial hegemony in Israel, while failing to sufficiently safeguard it in America (he has tried though, by passing various “anti-Semitism” decrees making it difficult for people to support the BDS movement). Despite his homoerotic fealty to the Jewish race, Trump’s nationalist rhetoric has unleashed a storm of white identity, causing Jews to panic and lobby in frenetic fashion for massive internet censorship.

Bernie Sanders’ cagey strategy is to wield the colored masses of America as a tidal wave to extinguish whiteness, as his ideological and racial compatriot Noel Ignatiev first articulated in his assorted white-hating screeds.

In reality, left-wing Jews are nothing more than tricksters who pretend to be allies with the colored hordes, but are just temporarily shepherding them as feral dregs to break the back of the white man and institute global Jewish supremacy as outlined in the Protocols of Zion.

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