Christopher Cantwell Arrested By the FBI for Threats Against Rival

Chris Cantwell has been arrested by the FBI and charged with making threats to one of his rivals via Telegram.

NBC News:

A New Hampshire man who was involved in the violent 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Virginia was charged Thursday with threatening a person using the online messaging app Telegram, authorities said.

The man, Christopher Cantwell, 39, was taken into custody and indicted on two counts, extortion over interstate communications and threatening interstate communications, according to the FBI’s Boston field office.

The indictment alleges that Cantwell threatened a man to get the personal identifying information of a second man with whom he was feuding. He is alleged to have told the victim over Telegram that if he didn’t hand over the information he would attack his wife.

“So if you don’t want me to come and f— your wife in front of your kids, then you should make yourself scarce,” Cantwell texted the victim, the indictment says.

At an initial court appearance Thursday afternoon, a New Hampshire federal judge ordered Cantwell held without bond pending a detention hearing Tuesday. Cantwell’s attorney did not immediately return a request for comment.

Cantwell became one of the most familiar faces of the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville after he was featured in a Vice News documentary on the far right that showed him chanting “Jews will not replace us.”

It appears that the Cantwell operation has devolved into not much more than prison yard drama.

I think the guy had good takes and was very funny, but he got completely derailed by serial infighting and drama with other white nationalists (and I mean the real kind, not merely critiques of the bad takes of other WNs like I sometimes do) and it’s rendered him impotent.

Now it looks like he may end up in a federal penitentiary, which may be something he wanted as he has no other way of keeping a roof over his head.

5 thoughts on “Christopher Cantwell Arrested By the FBI for Threats Against Rival

  1. He was always a roided up drunken mess and i had a serious laugh when he complained about these seedy dating apps kicking him off. Guy acts all paranoid carrying guns around while under the influence and then he does hookup dating apps? Now his empty and meaningless story comes to an end.

    The only moral here is that ratting others out to the FBI won’t save you.

  2. I have a totally and completely different take behind the arrest of Christopher Cantwell. It sounds to me like they’ve been laying in wait for him for quite a while since they weren’t able to get a hold of him and successfully prosecute him when he was in Charlottesville, Virginia. Just goes to show what length ‘people’ will go to satisfy their bloodlust.

    All that being said, I’m extremely sorry to hear that this has befallen him and I think he was probably railroaded in some fashion into this situation. You have to remember that oftentimes you have people who set traps to take advantage of some or another’s aspects of a person makeup. I listened to his show many, many times on the Internet and sometimes while he talked coarsely, I always felt it had a very strong rain of truthfulness to it. So personally I will say a prayer for the man and hopefully in some fashion or another, he may be released with little or no punishment.

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