Creepo Biden Gives Negress Big Fat Kiss On the Head

Creepo Biden initiates sexual contact with all known females that he comes into contact with, no matter their age.

Creepy Joe has a kinky fetish for charcoal black African women. He loves him some dark meat, nigga.

Biden’s wife evidently has no qualms with this kind of degenerate behaviour because she’s a gold digging, power-tripping whore who just wants to bask in the limelight of her husband’s failed presidential run.

She probably allows Old Joe to fuck negresses in front of her. It’s like reverse cuckoldry. As long as those Jewish funds from Haim Saban keep coming in, Mrs. Biden is happy to play around with her dildo and let Old Joe fist-fuck underage negresses.

The reason Biden is able to get away with sexually assaulting women and young girls in full public view of cameras is because he is running on the explicit platform of white genocide.

This man’s singular proposal for America is removing and replacing all white people with brown and black dindus.

Due to his commitment to white replacement and genocide, the Jewish owners of society have told their media organs to never criticize Biden’s creepy behaviour, but rather excuse it as eccentric friendliness of a touchy-feely grandpa.

Despite the modern SJW hysterics surrounding femoids and their fat bodies, the establishment leftists forgive and excuse other leftists for breaching SJW dictums about female fragility and victimization. They forgive people like Joe Biden when they cross all the boundaries that leftists say must never be crossed, all because Biden has pledged to exterminate white people and install black people as the new slave masters of America.

2 thoughts on “Creepo Biden Gives Negress Big Fat Kiss On the Head

  1. I have always just wondered how many Big Fat Fucks Creepo Biden has Given to various Negresses ??
    That seems to me infinitely more important…

  2. I guess creepozoid Biden gets a free pass because everybody knows the old coot is senile, but they don`t have the balls to say it. It would offend their puppet masters who control the corrupt, fake news media.

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