Demented Cyclops Dan Crenshaw Demands Millennials Get Heavier Dose of Holohoax Brainwashing

After getting routed by Groypers for months calling out his Zionist shilling, demented cyclops Dan Crenshaw has doubled down on his subservience to the Jewish race, and is now demanding that the government step up Holohoax brainwashing in schools.

Even though it’s highly unpopular, cyclops believes that shilling for Jewish World Supremacy is the only way he can maintain a seat in the US legislature.

Other than extreme fealty to Jew Power, this congressman has nothing to run on. He has no ideas and no way of conveying those ideas to the public.

All he has is this:

“My fellow Americans, as a US congressman I will ensure that the immensely wealthy and powerful Jewish race maintains its privileged status as your societal and global overlords. Any attempts to thwart Jewish Privilege will be met with criminal charges of hate crime against the Chosen Race. Any Americans who don’t sign up to die in another Israeli war will be sent to a Gulag. America First!”

He thinks that this is a winning message in American politics. And he’s right because the only way to be successful in the American political system is telling Jews what you will do to enhance their conspiracy of global domination.

Crenshaw is not really a functional human being. He is a factory-made robot doing what his Jewish creators manufactured him to do: advance Jew Power at all costs.

4 thoughts on “Demented Cyclops Dan Crenshaw Demands Millennials Get Heavier Dose of Holohoax Brainwashing

  1. “My fellow Americans, as a US congressman I will ensure that the immensely wealthy and powerful Jewish race maintains its privileged status as your societal and global overlords. Any attempts to thwart Jewish Privilege will be met with criminal charges of hate crime against the Chosen Race. Any Americans who don’t sign up to die in another Israeli war will be sent to a Gulag. America First!”

    I hate to say it, but the above paragraph seems a little wishy-washy to me. Shouldn’t they say white people will succumb to Jewish domination ?? And prepare to die Whitey!
    Israel will fight till the last American soldier.

  2. Crenshaw came 200 votes from losing the nomination in 2018 (first round). He won the general election with 52%. He can soon join the private sector, probably on CNN.

  3. Product of veteran-worship. Military men might have physical courage, but intellectually most of them are absolute zeroes. Putting a bunch of thuggish dumb fucks in congress (where they’re bought off by AIPAC the moment they step in, to reinforce evangelical convictions with hard cash) is a recipe for failure.

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