Hungary: Jobbik Makes Fatal Mistake, Elects Part-Jew to Leadership Position

Jobbik has been slowly but surely Judaizing itself as part of some weird campaign to unseat Viktor Orban’s Fidesz Party.

Times of Israel:

Jobbik, a Hungarian far-right party that critics call institutionally anti-Semitic, has elected a man with Jewish roots, Peter Jakab, as its president.

Jakab, 39, received more than 87 percent of the vote in a primary election Saturday, the news site reported.

Jakab, a practicing Catholic, has been accused of anti-Semitism in Hungarian media after he blamed Jews for generating anti-Semitism for financial gain. He has also denied that he or Jobbik were anti-Semitic.

His election to the party’s most senior post comes three years after its leaders took steps to rehabilitate its image. One of Jobbik’s recent leaders, Gabor Vona, led this policy, which included extending Hanukkah greetings to the leaders of Hungarian Jewry.

Last year, Jobbik allied itself with left-wing parties to hurt the ruling Fidesz party of Prime Minister Viktor Orban in local elections. The alliance was effective in taking several key municipalities away from Fidesz

Jakab has often spoken openly of his Jewish ancestry. “Since my childhood, I knew from my parents that my grandmother is Jewish,” he said in a 2014 interview for Alfahir. “She raised 11 children in a peasant farmhouse in poverty but in dignity. I was also aware that my great-grandfather died at Auschwitz,” Jakab added.

Even though this guy is part-Jewish, the Jews are still calling him “anti-Semitic” because he once said that Jews are exploiting the Holocaust for financial gain – an indisputably true statement.

This has been a major problem with Jobbik for a few years. They’ve been trying to “rebrand” as Jew-friendly conservatives because Orban won over most of their voting base with his anti-migrant stance.

Jobbik believes that the only way they can compete with Orban’s party is to suck Jewish schmeckle.

What a sad state of affairs when European political parties believe that the only way they can win elections is by pandering to an ethno-religious group that is a tiny fraction of their nation’s population.

Another problem with Jobbik is that they are philoturkic Duginists, which makes them almost entirely unlikeable from a white nationalist standpoint.

One thought on “Hungary: Jobbik Makes Fatal Mistake, Elects Part-Jew to Leadership Position

  1. Jobbik have always been Philo-Turkic. They say that Hungarians are Turks, not whites, and a few years back I read they wanted Hungary to be member of the Turkic Council.

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