Israel is So Evil That They Pay Soldiers to Troll Twitter With Propaganda Justifying Child-Murder

Imagine a country so evil that it needs to create entire divisions of the army tasked with trolling social media websites with propaganda justifying the murder of children and civilians.

That’s precisely what Israel is doing. They even have a special Hebrew word for it: Hasbara.

It pays soldiers to spread pro-Israel propaganda on social media.

The soldiers doing this admit that their efforts are futile because everyone still hates them anyway.

They also admit that they have to close down the comments on all of their YouTube videos because all of the comments are negative.

Jews are totally pathetic and incompetent propagandists, aren’t they?

The global misdeeds of Jews are so glaring that there’s really nothing they can say to justify their behaviour, which is why they’re now opting for Total Global Censorship.

7 thoughts on “Israel is So Evil That They Pay Soldiers to Troll Twitter With Propaganda Justifying Child-Murder

  1. “Jews are totally pathetic and incompetent propagandists, aren’t they?”

    NO. They may be losing in this instance and much of the world may be catching on to them–belatedly; I certainly hope so, But surely an essential reason why we’re in this calamitous situation is that their propagandistic lies HAVE worked. I rather think that a tiny portion of the planet’s population could never have tyrannized the way Talmudic all-haters have, except through a form of mind control based on deliberate deception.

    1. Lucius said:

      But surely an essential reason why we’re in this calamitous situation is that their propagandistic lies HAVE worked.

      Good observation and I might add there are so many levels of deception and red herrings that possibly this visible incompetance could be for purposes of gaining ‘the sympathy vote’.

        1. And yes

          propagandistic lies HAVE worked

          With the army trolls it is probably part of their training and the commanders can assess whether someone is particularly suitable for a role in intelligence or special operations.

  2. “Total Global Censorship” will be very difficult and is probably impossible to achieve 100%.
    “Propaganda, Lies, Corruption and Coersion” is easier if you are accustomed to that.

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