Judeo-Bolshevik Megalomaniac Putin Says He Will “Shut the Filthy Mouths” of Those Who Criticize the Soviet Union’s Bloody Legacy

Nyet, nyet!

Putin has gone full schizo, folks, threatening to “shut the filthy mouths” of anyone who draws attention to the genocidal fury of the Soviet Union’s political leaders.


Moscow is to create the most extensive collection of WWII documents, open to all persons anywhere, to once and for all “shut the filthy mouth” of those seeking to rewrite history for short-term gains, the Russian president said.

Any person, Russian or non-national, will be able to access the archive, including through a website resource, and the ultimate goal is to debunk any disinformation about the most devastating conflict in human history, President Vladimir Putin pledged, during a meeting with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, held in St. Petersburg on Saturday.

The creation of the center would leave no chance to those willing to distort the truth about the war for their own political needs, he argued.

“We will shut the filthy mouth of some public figures abroad, who open theirs only to achieve short-term political goals. We will shut them up with reliable and fundamental facts.”

The center is expected to incorporate the biggest and most extensive collection of documents, as well as photos and video footage dating back to the World War II era. The president first floated this idea during his annual state-of-the-nation address earlier this week, arguing that Russia should combat “brazen lies and attempts to distort history.”

In St. Petersburg, Putin also said that Moscow should follow the example of Tel Aviv, which virtually allows no one on Earth to forget about the true horrors of the Holocaust.

“Among the Holocaust victims, a large number were Soviet Jews,” he said, adding that “we should also not forget about the sacrifices of other Soviet peoples, the Russian people” who defended “their homeland and the whole world from the brown plague [of Nazism].”

Putin’s words come amid a row between Moscow and Warsaw over the events that led to the Second World War. Poland has been revising that devastating conflict’s history for quite some time, seeking to shun any responsibility relating to events during that period, while presenting itself as a victim of both Nazi and Soviet aggression and occupation.

Warsaw has been removing monuments to Soviet soldiers who died while liberating the city from Nazi Germany occupation, and also initiated an EU Parliament resolution in September, which claims that the 1939 non-aggression pact between Moscow and Berlin had “paved the way for the outbreak of the Second World War.”

This last move did not sit well with Moscow, which labeled it a falsification of history. Putin himself eventually joined the heated debate between the two nations, when he called Jozef Lipski, the Polish ambassador to Berlin from 1934 to 1939, “a bastard and an anti-Semitic pig.”

Let me quote that again:

In St. Petersburg, Putin also said that Moscow should follow the example of Tel Aviv, which virtually allows no one on Earth to forget about the true horrors of the Holocaust.

Thanks for confirming your stance, Jewtin.

What is this lunatic going to do, send KGB assassins to kill Poland’s president?

Putin instituted a law in 2014 making it illegal for his own citizens to question the fake narrative of Soviet heroism. Some Russians have been fined under this law for stating historical facts about the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact or simply posting pictures of Nazi troops or symbols.

Putin and his media have been agitating against Poland for weeks on end.

But obviously all of this Judeo-Bolshevik tough talk from Putin is just a clever ruse to make the Jews think he’s on their side, right?

Secretly, Putin is a Based Anti-Semite who is planning to overthrow the Jew World Order in the year 2037 and reinstate the Glorious Byzantium Orthodox Empire.

Richard Spencer, David Duke and Eric Striker tell us this so it must be true.

They would never lie to us, right stupid goyim?

4 thoughts on “Judeo-Bolshevik Megalomaniac Putin Says He Will “Shut the Filthy Mouths” of Those Who Criticize the Soviet Union’s Bloody Legacy

    1. So it’s in the best interests of Russians to have a law that imprisons them for questioning the benevolence of Stalin and the Red Army? How exactly does that benefit the average Russian?

      Putin is a strategist who is doing what he thinks is in HIS OWN best interest and that of his ruling clique, no more.

      Russians are expendable trash to him, as he willingly sends them to their deaths in two wasteful conflicts in Syria and Ukraine.

  1. Putin is likely a mischling and certainly a spiritual jew and a life-long communist he doesn’t give one shit about the white Russian people Russia is just a tool for him and his jewish boyfriends to rule the world . Anyone still stupid enough to buy into the based Russia narative needs their head examined. No one is going to fall out of the sky to save us definitely not a politician nor a millionaire or a fucking entertainer. We are going to have to save ourselves and it won’t be easy it won’t be fun and we will not all survive that is the cold hard reality of our situation , people need to man up and start to deal with that.

  2. Psychopath Jew/Chabad puppet Putin talking tough, amplified by rotten outfits like RT/Sputnik and Western self-hating delusional trash that trusts them. ANYTHING that comes from the East is immediately suspicious. These guys have been involved in deception to such an extent that it became an essential mark of their civilization. From Potemkin villages to bolshevism, the East has been based on lies/mass deception for centuries. They lost connection to truth, which makes them hopeless drones of the coming global government. Duginism is just pro-Russia globalism.
    They’ll release a few “damning” documents “captured from the evil Nazis” (aka faked), the ADL and western liberaloid media will make a carnival out of it, say the “holocaust was much worse than people think” etc etc. They’ll try to keep the myth alive (it’s dying right now, most don’t care) – i think they’ll fail. It’s their “great patriotic war” on the line as well after all.

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