Locust Swarm Carries Out Population Control Operation in Kenya

Kenya’s birthrate is a teeny bit too high for sustainable development.

So a swarm of based locusts have taken matters into their own hands to curb this untenable Kenyan menace.

Sky News:

Kenya says it is facing an “unprecedented threat” from desert locusts in its worst invasion for 70 years.

Swarms of the insects have spread from Ethiopia and Somalia and are threatening food production and grazing land, said Kenya’s agriculture minister, Mwangi Kiunjuri.

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said last month that the species of grasshopper had already destroyed more than 175,000 acres of farmland in Somalia and Ethiopia, posing the worst threat for seven decades.

Because much of Somalia is engulfed in conflict, spraying pesticides from the air has become impossible, the agency added.

There is a risk that the swarms could move into Kenya’s neighbours Uganda and South Sudan, the FAO said.

The locusts crossed into Kenya a few days after Christmas and have spread to the counties of Garissa, Isiolo and Samburu to the south and west, Mr Kiunjuri said.

“We recognise that the pest invasion, and the potential to spread rapidly to other counties poses an unprecedented threat to food security and livelihood in the country,” he commented.

This is just nature correcting itself, folks.

These blacks can’t continue to breed like rats and expect Mother Earth to just put up with it.

There’s simply not enough space, water or food to sustain these African jackrabbits.

We thank the locusts for taking steps to fix this problem.

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