Manic Jewess Bari Weiss Wants to Replace You, White Man

Joe Rogan has gone FULL JEWISH SHILL.

He had Bari Weiss on his show again, that Yenta lunatic who whines about “anti-Semitism” all day while she advocates for white race replacement.

Weiss is something special, folks.

She’s a literal caricature of a mendacious Jewess.

In this clip, she tells Rogan that white replacement isn’t happening, that it’s just an “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory,” but proffers no counter-evidence to refute the theory at all.

Weiss getting nuked in the comments
More nuking of Weiss

This is how these Jews operate. The ADL does the same thing. They just “explain” the theory, call it “anti-Semitic” and a “conspiracy theory,” but resolutely fail to refute it.

They’re so arrogant that they think that just putting this stupid label “anti-Semitic” is enough to discredit the theory. They think that the goyim are so inept and stupid they’d be swayed by this ridiculous tactic.

After that synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, Weiss told NPR that the shooter was correct in his assertion that Jews are leading the charge in opening America’s borders to non-white hordes, and that Weiss and her race are “very proud” of it.


Well, that’s the thing. The Jewish connection to the refugee is not a conspiracy. That’s something that we’re very, very proud of. The organization that Robert Bowers was constantly calling out is an organization called HIAS, which brought people, including Sergey Brin, to this country. It started in the 1880s to bring Jews who were fleeing the pogroms of Eastern Europe. Now they help Jews and non-Jews all over the world fleeing persecution. I met a man in Arizona on Sunday, a Jew from Cairo who was helped out of Egypt following the 1967 war. This synagogue exemplified those values. It participated in something called Refugee Shabbat. The previous Saturday, it was one of the participating synagogues nationally. And the concept, you know, as in all Jewish synagogues that reflect the most sacred of Jewish values, is the value of hachnasat orchim, of welcoming the stranger and especially of welcoming the weakest in our community, which – there’s no weaker category in our society than the refugee. And we’re really, really proud of that.

In the Rogan clip Weiss said that whites aren’t being replaced, and then said that white is just a “construct” and doesn’t exist anyway, so even if it were happening it wouldn’t matter. She also said that she and her family are “proudly Jewish”.

And she wonders why Robert Bowers picked up a rifle and shot up her synagogue?

It is this Jewish racial arrogance that leads to mass shootings like the one in Pittsburgh.

The leading cause of “anti-Semitism” is the behavior of demented Jews like Bari Weiss.

But just shut up white goyim, accept your racial replacement, the Jews are doing it for our own good, right?

Tikkun Olam, goy.

Eat it, goy.

2 thoughts on “Manic Jewess Bari Weiss Wants to Replace You, White Man

  1. Yeah, Jews are really into hachnasat orchim and tikkun olam….EXCEPT IN ISRAEL.

    “….welcoming the stranger and the weakest in our community….”? What’s that impenetrable barrier doing in Sinai? Is that any way to welcome the black strangers who want to live in Israel?! “The weakest,” who are refugees? Are there any Palestinian refugees left–why weren’t they afforded the “right of return” to the land from which Jewish tikkun-olamers expelled them?

    “The leading cause of ‘anti-Semitism’ is the behavior of demented Jews like Bari Weiss.” Check. And I said the same to JTA writer Phoebe Maltz Bozy, fellow Jewess with Weiss and, I believe, her friend.

  2. “is the value of hachnasat orchim …” – In other words, lying through your fucking teeth and hoping others will do what you have absolutely no intention of doing; in this case, bringing in uninvited millions of illegal invaders into your country…
    The Jews are the curse of mankind…

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