This is What Happens When You Give Women Freedom

When you allow females to freely choose things in life, this is what you get.

New York Post:

Nadine Anderson’s devotion to her dad is more than skin deep — so this 23-year-old is going to painstaking lengths to pay homage to her pops by inking all of her body.

“My dad had two sleeves when I was growing up and I always wanted them,” says the self-proclaimed “classic daddy’s girl” from Dundee, Scotland. “I was constantly looking at Pinterest forums and stuff; looking at new tattoo styles that were coming out and body modifications, deciding how I wanted to look when I turned 18.”

The healthcare assistant says she got her first tattoo — a tree of life on her forearm — as soon as she was “legally allowed.” The brown-eyed blonde says her ink addiction was instantaneous and within a month she was back in the tattoo shop.

In addition to her extreme “blackout” (full-coverage) tattoo, Anderson also has a variety of piercings, scarification on her head — and a split tongue. She flew to Germany for the mouth work due to laws in the UK that prevent piercing parlors from carrying out the procedure.

Anderson says she’s lost count of how many tattoos now make up her “whole bodysuit” — but she claims to have spent about £15,000 GBP (about $19,400 USD) covering up 90 percent of her body.

… Anderson admits not everyone finds her extreme look visually appealing — but claims she isn’t fazed by “stereotypical” haters who don’t get her “journey” of permanence and passion.

20K on tattoos, folks.

When women are allowed free rein over what to do with their bodies, they either get involved in prostitution, online camwhoring, or assorted slut-world harlotry, have sex with 300 men and have 30 abortions until their reproductive parts are irreparably destroyed, or they get nasty black ink burned into their skin…. usually all of these things go together.

Women cannot make rational decisions on their own. They just copy trends and whatever the Jewish MTV channel is saying.

This particular woman’s father is also a fuck-up since he approved of this grotesque destruction of his daughter’s body.

But generally it is the fault of our Jewish culture’s promotion of “women’s rights” and “women’s autonomy” that has led us to this modern catastrophe.


We need a radical mass culling of females before it’s too late.

(Credit to Smoked Nebraska for finding the story)

8 thoughts on “This is What Happens When You Give Women Freedom

  1. At least she’s not fat. Most scottish women are not.
    Daddy issues + tats.
    I know at least 2 girls with extensive tattoos, though not as trashy and extensive, they have absentee fathers too.
    Both are very pretty, i just don’t get it.
    Don’t see how ruining her body to match her broken mind is paying homage to her piece of trash dead father.
    Weird she’s not into porn already. With the split tongue stuff, illegal even in liberal UK, i bet she’s great at giving heads.

    Hopefully, not all white females are the same.
    See this one.

    23 yo, like the scottish. Basically a ten, the voice, the figure, and what she says makes sense.

  2. If I EVER saw a ‘health care’ worker that looked like this, I`d walk out of that facility post haste.What the F*** is wrong with these millennials?????

  3. Well.. men do shit like this as well, anyway – no real father and no husband should allow his daughter/wife/girlfriend to do something alike. It is time to try and regain control over our women’s bodies and minds..

  4. LMFAO. It’s her body, and I think it’s really pretty. Cry me a river! Btw, the Alt. Right will never win the war.

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