TRS & Richard Spencer Have Abandoned White Nationalism, Joined Team Camel

The TRS network has officially abandoned white nationalism.

It is now a network defined exclusively by hero worship of camel jockeys.

Mullah Enoch has derailed his entire following into pedantic quibbling about camel politics.

Mullah Enoch has officially joined the Iranian revolutionary guard to defend camel civilization from Zionist hawks.

He is a literal human shield, ready and willing to die to protect his favorite camel regime.

Richard Spencer has also joined Team Camel.

This is exceedingly laughable, folks.

But this is what you can expect from Duginists who want us to get butt reamed by the Chinese, Arab and Persian races.

All of this obsequious noise over the death of one camel commander, meanwhile whites get killed every week by the hands of camel people in Europe.

“But…but there are so many trannies and gays in the West”.

Yeah, and Iran performs the second most sex change operations yearly in the entire world.

Our job is to change our own culture by educating our people about the dangers of homosexualism, not to congratulate goat herders on their lack of enthusiasm for buttsex.

It’s not even really true anyway. These camel people love to bugger young boys, as well as goats, it’s just kept hidden from public view.

“But… but the West is controlled by Jews.”

Iran also loves Jews and has a sizable Jewish population. It just doesn’t like “Zionists” because Zionism is “racism”.

Russia has one of the highest abortion rates in the world.

Based Russia also has the largest Muslim population in Europe. But no complaints from the Russia-loving wing of the alt-right!

Oh, it’s all starting to make sense now. These guys actually LOVE Muslims, and that’s why they love Putin because he coddles Muslims.

“But… but Putin kicked out all the Jewish oligarchs.”

25% of Based Russia’s wealthiest elite today are Jews. And 1% of the population control 1/3rd of its wealth, making it one of the most unequal countries on earth.

It also has Holocaust denial and hate speech laws, which Putin has used to railroad all of Russia’s leading white nationalists into prison, as well as anyone who criticizes him or Stalin.

China worships Jews and prints books glorifying the Talmud as a guide to getting rich.

China is also flooding our countries with immigrants and slowly colonizing our lands.

Genuflecting to these third world shitholes because fag rights aren’t as advanced there is losing the plot.

We’re on Team White, not Team Camel or Team Zipperhead. Putin is not on Team White, he’s on Team Camel, which is why he’s sent thousands of Russian soldiers to die to protect his camel friends in Syria. He also sends his kinsmen to kill white nationalists in Ukraine because he imagines himself as Stalin fighting off the racial and political enemies of International Jewish communism.

Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch need to deport themselves to either Russia, China or Iran and stop misdirecting white energy into camel quarrels.

Spencer retweeted this video of US troops boarding a plane to go to the Middle East.

He doesn’t like it.

Meanwhile, Spencer and crew WHOLEHEARTEDLY SUPPORT white Russian soldiers dying in Syria. They cheer it, they laud it, and hail white Russian deaths so that some faction of camel jockeys can stay in power.

So let’s get this straight:

  • white Russians fight and die in Syria = GOOD
  • white Americans fight and die in Iraq/Afghanistan = BAD

This is kinky Nazbol logic, folks.

They only complain and moan when a Western country sends its troops to the Middle East because it’s usually not for the benefit of some camel faction aligned with Russia.

You see, dying for camel jockeys is BASED when those camel jockeys are in league with Russia.

Anything for the glory of Mother Russia, right filthy goyim?

This is Duginism 101, folks.

TRS and Spencer are still FULL NAZBOL.

The correct position to take is that no white people should be dying in Semitic squabbles, neither Russians nor Americans, for any reason whatsoever.

These Camel First traitors need to be exposed.

22 thoughts on “TRS & Richard Spencer Have Abandoned White Nationalism, Joined Team Camel

  1. Just a friendly reminder for those who forgot:
    On 15 March 1944, the Soviet Union adopted the “Hymn of the Soviet Union” as its national anthem. Prior to that time, “The Internationale” served as the principal musical expression of allegiance to the ideals of the October Revolution and the Soviet Union (the “Internationale” continued to be recognized as the official song of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and the post-1919 Soviet version is still used by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation).
    That means, on June 22nd 1941, Germany attacked not “Russia”, but “International Communistic Fortress”. Since Russia now justifies all its actions against Ukraine as “muh commies created Ukraine”, then the German “sin” is also must be nullified by the same way.

  2. Nothing says “serious country” like a soviet educated Boomer Theocracy ruling over a drug addicted and STD infected tranny population where the remaining men rather die abroad cause suicidal jihad is the best they have going for them.

  3. A Slight difference when the US goes in to invade Iraq their doing it take out a power that ZOG has identified they don’t like, whereas when Russians send their men to Syria at least their bombing ISIS fighters with a country that is ostensibly opposed to global Jewish power if nothing else and was even a place of refuge for SS officer Alois Brunner until circa 2010.

    1. “opposed to global Jewish power”. Not global. Only in the Middle East. If you meet a “Syrian Global Anti-Jewish Fighter in the West”, you are nothing but a one of the “Bad Racist Nazi Who Killed Jews For Being Jews” in his eyes.

    2. Tell me why any white man should care about this stupid “they fight ISIS” Talkingpoint. What do we care about these pissant peoples running around in the desert. What do we care if one islamic revolution movement fights another islamic revolution movement, when in the end we end up with one islamic revolution movement anyway. These regions are chronicaly unstable and export nothing but missery so fuck all these people.

    3. The only difference is the belligerents. The result is the same: dead white men for the profit of Semitic peoples.

      And again we’re back to the typical double standard: whites dying for Jews is bad, but whites dying for Arabs is good.

      1. I never suggested whites dying for Arabs is good my point there is that we whites and the Assad government have a shared interest in fighting ISIS. I would say that fanatical nihilistic muslims not having a central state that claims to represent them and Russo-Iranian action helped defeat that. Don’t get me wrong we do need to repatriate all allah worshipping Muslims in the west also.

        1. We don’t have much of an interest in fighting ISIS over there. And we were already doing that. Obama declared war in ISIS in 2014 and Trump continued that campaign.

          We have an interest in deporting all Muslims from our own countries so they can’t harm us.

          Radical Muslims have like 30 Muslim-majority countries from which to organize. Saudi Arabia is their ideological hub. We don’t have the power to deal with all of that. Best policy is to just isolate them in their own states and not let them in ours.

          Dying for some Baathist regime in Syria is not in whites interest. Secular and religious moslems will always be at each other’s throats. None of our business.

    1. Anyone who’s been paying any modicum of attention to the American economy, from red-pilled sources (non-mainstream media), knows that the American economy is in TERRIBLE trouble, despite all the prevailing rhetoric otherwise; it’s never been more blatantly obvious than it is now. It’s goin’ down, and it CANNOT and WILL NOT be reversed. This has major global implications, and myriad other economies are in big trouble, too. Given this is the case, there’s a decent chance that war is on the horizon as a deceitful attempt to mask this deleterious global condition. Needless to say, Trumpians are absolutely fucking *clueless* about practically any of it: they think Trump’s got everything “under control” and it’s “never been better”…. lmmfao.

      The reason why the Fed could recently only raise rates up to 2.5% (even though the stated plan was to do it very slowly and inconspicuously) was because the economy COULDN’T take it. It could not even take tiny interest rate hikes, even though interest rates have been at historical lows and they’ve been declining for years. NOR could they do hardly any of their quantitative tightening before having to go back to QE. Well, interest rates are soon gonna be zero or negative to try to prop up this economy as long as possible before impending and inevitable disaster.

      This red-pilled economist (David Quintieri) is rock solid and possibly the best economist out there. This vid he made back in May of 2018 was prophetic and you really need to watch the whole thing, but take note of the chart in particular after 10:00: It shows that every time there has been a significant interest rate hike and cut since 87, a recession has always followed. It also shows that the ability to raise interest rates to certain heights has become continually less and less. David said rates wouldn’t even make it to 3% before they’d have start cutting them again, and he was totally correct.

      At 5:00, David talks about the 2-year/10-year yield curve (the most important yield curve) which inverted in August for the first time since 2007. The 10-year/3-month yield curve also inverted in March for the first time since 07. And the 30-year treasury also reached an all time low in August. What’s so serious about the 2/10 inversion is that it has preceded every recession since 82… meaning another recession is less than 22 months away (the longest period of time it took for a recession to occur), but it could arrive much sooner:

      @7:30, David references billionaire investor Jeffrey Gundlach where JG sees a scenario where US stocks get crushed in the next recession (the Fed dictates the prices of stocks, not the economy, and the economies of the West are in bad, bad shape, but so are many others). JG noticed a pattern in his chart of the year where the world is divided into 4 regions (U.S., Japan, Europe, and Emerging Markets). It shows they all peaked before a recession and never recovered to pre-recession levels (neither QE nor artificially low interest rates ever work in the long run).

      Billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones said Europe and Japan are both dead in the water (they’ve pushed themselves into negative interest rates and cannot get the growth that they want). He also said, “We’ve got an explosive combination of monetary and fiscal policy right now,” Jones told CNBC’s “Squawk Box.” “We’ve got a 5% budget deficit coupled with the lowest real rates that you can image with the economy at full employment. That’s the most unorthodox, and potentially explosive, combination that you can imagine. It’s like the photo negative of 1930, when we had the last trade war, but you had tight fiscal and tight monetary policy. Now we have the exact opposite.”

      As economist Ed McKelvey wrote decades ago, “there is a dark side to the brave (i.e., longer) business cycle. When recessions become less frequent, the shock of recessions become greater when they do ultimately occur.” Well, we’re in the longest expansion in U.S. history, and 10,000 boomers are retiring each day now.

      Peter Schiff got mocked countless times by countless people for predicting the Great Recession in 07-09 (was only obvious if you were red-pilled, which I sure wasn’t). It’s no coincidence that he’s also predicting another imminent, far greater, and blatantly obvious crisis on the horizon:

      Stock Market DROPS, Fed Balance Sheet DROPS! Coincidence? Ray Dalio Bets $1 Billion On Crash

      The pyamid and all-seeing-eye on the back of the dollar bill is Kabbalistic (meaning the private owners of the Fed like the Rothschilds) are Luciferians.

      Global Economic FALLOUT, Yield Curve RED FLAG, Stocks Most Overbought in History!

      Fed Admits Repo Injections $215 Billion PER DAY! Global Economy Rapidly Shutting Down!

  4. I am amazed. Spencer put the flag of Iran on his… name? We know Spencer is a fraud, but it is astonishing how openly he admits it. What the hell do we have in common with Iran? Culture? No. Genetics? No. Interests? No. How can a white advocate then put the fuckin flag of Iran straight in his name??

    Doesn’t Spencer want to be a little more discrete, or careful? It is like admitting he is faking it (imposter)! As I said before, this is the fake alt-right (spencer’s). The real one is here folks.

    Next One: Spencer wears a towel.

  5. Spencer and Enoch just don’t want another costly war Jewish war in the ME. But then again ‘whites’ are useless bickering women, always infighting, so this take doesn’t surprise me. sad.

  6. There needs to be a pause here and they need to step back and examine what’s going on. Iran doesn’t care for intrusion in its affairs by the United States, because the United States is Israel’s proxy in the middle east and Israel wants to have Iran destroyed. So while you may not personally like Iran, Iran is the enemy of Israel, and that’s all to the good. Israel is trying to dominate the Middle East, and it is doing it step-by-step using the power of the United States to do its dirty work.
    So let’s not be too terribly hard on Spencer and Enoch for their support of this Iran reaction against an attack on one of their generals. Hopefully this will all blow over but my fear is that if the United States attack the Iran that there could be a general nuclear war out of this.
    I’m pro-white all the way and am against the Jews and the nonwhites, but let’s make sure that we don’t antagonize everyone and isolate everyone that could be a help for us against the Jews…

    1. I would agree and I would argue that Anti-White sentiment in the ME (which is really Anti-Christian or Anti-Western sentiment since white converts are typically respected) is just a misdirected Anti-Semitism since it’s the who have been using white Christians as a weapon against Muslims, and in turn the only thing the local Muslims see is white western christians when in fact it is the Jews who are the common enemy of whites and arabs. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not advocating for any kind of fucking Islamo-Aryan alliance because it ain’t gonna work out, but I would say that white nationalists need to recognise the legitimate grievances of muslims which have been done by jews and wrongly blamed on whites, and whatever small portion of the Muslim world gets this (would presumably have much higher IQs) should be promoted as the civilisational elite within the Islamic World.

  7. Iran wants you to help them against the Jews (over there), but they won’t help us against the Jews over here. They support Black Lives Matter, actually, because they hate whites.

  8. I am against going to war to intervene in conflicts of Jews vs. Muslims (though if some advantage can be drawn from their enmity, I’m for that, and it doesn’t seem impossible). But for me the upsetting thing about this recent action is that that fucken Trump seems bent on warring against the Iranians despite all that talk about ending endless Mideast wars…. Either he was phony all the while, or he’s caved in to the clamors of Jewry at last.

    Must still more Euro-American youths die for the sake of that foreign land that hates them, that values them only as proxy killers and cannon fodder?

    Before I worked for the Repub Party in 2018 Mid-term elections–ONLY because of Trump’s rhetoric, e.g., the Wall, getting out of the Mideast–I told an old YT ally that Trump may well turn out to be a mirage but it might be worth a bit of effort to support him. And it does seem now that he’s a mirage alright.

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