Warsaw vs. Paris Subway: Night & Day

Let’s have a look at the Paris subway and its counterpart in Warsaw, Poland.


Poland looks like a nice, white country.

France looks like a degenerate shithole overflowing with a diverse array of dindus.

Thanks to its embrace of multiculturalism and “diversity,” France today is plagued by Islamic terrorism.

There have been dozens upon dozens of Towel Head terrorist attacks in France over the past few years… its main streets in Paris and other major cities are littered with migrant vagabonds pissing and shitting all over the place.

And any Frenchman who speaks up against this psychotic madness is fined for “hate speech”.

A black cloud of darkness hovers over France, yet its satanic Jew-controlled leadership continues to masquerade as if this is all working out just fine.

The place is becoming an apocalyptic scene from a science fiction movie.

Things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get better, folks.

17 thoughts on “Warsaw vs. Paris Subway: Night & Day

  1. Poland exported most of its poverty, homelessnes and drug addiction westward into the social systems and methadon clinics of germany.

  2. Whenever you read a review of a nice white place online be it a school, town or city there’s always a bunch of fucking retards that say “nice place but needs more diversity”.

  3. As an American, I was surprised at the white people in that Paris video. Very relaxed around the blacks. No wonder they get stabbed all the time. When a black or haji is behind me at any time I turn to see it, so I can defend myself. Never relax around blacks.

    1. They did not learn to be multicultural yet. But it’s coming. More and more white flight, so Macron decided to relocate cannibalistic djihadists in rural, 100% white places. Hence more insecurity, real estate lose value, tourism suffer. Well not that much. Tourists are fucking fucktards. I don’t get why there are still foreigner visiting France, if not for wellfare. Haven’t been in Paris for 15 years, it was already a shithole back then. So please dear tourists, stay away from France. You currencies just allow the govt to import more brown bastards. Go to Croatie, it’s nice. If you’re not a twerking gay nigger.
      Or even Morocco, it’s safer. They actually prosecute criminals there. Hookers are cheap.

      Anyway, as one might expect, the demand for guns is increasing. So The govt made new laws to restrict access and register guns.
      France gun laws are probably the most lenient so far in western europe. With hunting or ball trap licence you can buy many guns, only semi auto battle rifles and handguns are forbidden. For that you need a shooting range membership.

  4. You could have shown a footage from Budapest or Prague, not Warsaw. Gee. I am pretty sure that in Budapest or Prague, it’s even more nice than Warsaw.

    1. Vanini, I would like to continue our discussion somewhere else. Do you have some other place where you can be found other than Facebook?

      1. AGGSA: Anywhere you say. There’s Facebook, and there’s The European Family blog. Or how about this pub I know of in downtown Warsaw? They understand and speak English there. We can go at it face to face there, Balkan barbarian!

        In any event, I see you’re not so stupid that you couldn’t understand I was alluding to the failure here of your psychoneurotic campaign to inspire hatred of Poland. LOL!!!!! Well, I guess it’s obvious, and it DOES hurt, eh?

        Yeah, you’re “pretty sure” that the subway system in Prague and Budapest are nicer than that in Warsaw. Hast thou been to all three and compared them, BB? Remember, you were “pretty sure” that I was a proletarian worker in Ireland and that because I’m Italian I’m a sex addict, not to mention that Poland is a high-crime-rate country.

        Say, I have an idea! The best place to peddle your “Hate Poland” platform is some Talmudic-Jewish site or a negrocentric black one, in either of which Europeans tend to be hated a lot more than they are in White Nationalist sites lol. There’s where you should go to get adherents. There’s a good lad, BB!

        1. Dude, I meant somewhere where we can discuss interesting stuff. If you are calling me a Balkan Barbarian, who knows, maybe next you will think I am a Jew or some Spaniard, since the description of not so many Nordids and more Alpinids than Nordids, albeit not very many Alpinids either, describe such population also, not only Balkans (at least certain parts of Balkans).

          1. AGGSA: Gee, dude. Golly. There you go with your Alpinid, Nordid stuff again. Sad that there aren’t many of those in your country, and morbidly obsessed with the Poles, while black savages and non-White Muslims are storming the gate, streaming into Europe…. You’re as useful as a rubber crutch. And very little of what something like you can say is likely to interest me, to be frank, Balkan.

            But you can count on my calling you out on your attempt to demonize the ancient European land of Polska, or any other member-nation of the European Family. Uh, unless you can show here how LOL the Polish subway systems are not as “nice” as those of Czechia and Hungary. I mean, you’re “pretty sure” that Warsaw’s isn’t as nice, no?

            1. Well, I honestly thought that the two of us probably had some interesting things to talk about. But this latest reply of yours towards me and the way you typically respond to me, and after having been to your blog and read some stuff you say there (such as we white nationalists ought not be muh anti-Semitic, like muh Hitler was), I can only think you are some senile old man.

              I really did not want to bring this up, but since you provoked me, I am going to have to anyway. Why do I think that the subway of Prague and Budapest is nicer than the one in Warsaw? Because the inhabitants of Prague and Budapest are not as dumb and peasant-ish as the inhabitants of Warsaw. Does that answer satisfy you?

              Unless you have something interesting to say and you keep using that senile language with me, please let us leave it here.

              1. AGGSA: Lol, you honestly dreamed that you are overflowing with things to say that people are just dying to hear! Well, let me try to awake you from your dreaming yet another time. You are a delusional waif besotted with himself, and the last thing that a White Nationalist movement needs, as you can only breed division and hate between European nations.

                You are SO stupid and deluded that you believed that a site like this would welcome your attempted demonization of a whole European, White nation. And you grew so frustrated and mystified by the cold shoulder you were shown that, after I stultified all your lame talking points, you appealed directly to the owner of the site and asked him never to characterize the Poles as “based” again. He didn’t realize that that was a veiled command from the Nordid/Alpinid High Command LOL.

                But the Poles were nevertheless chosen to represent the contrast to France, and that rankles your silly ass, doesn’t it, Balkan lol! “You could have shown a footage from Budapest or Prague, not Warsaw. Gee.” LOL!!!

                You really should take my advice and transfer the scene of your attempted proselytization from sites like this to some Talmudic/Zionist site or a negrocentric one. They hate Europeans in places like that. In WN enclaves you’re gonna keep running into opposition when you trash the Poles.

                Lol, your answer as to why the Prague and Budapest subways are “nicer” than Warsaw’s does satisfy me–it confirms what a poor laughable thing you are. Man–would you ever be afraid to talk like you do around Poles, because you know so many of them are MEN and you wouldn’t stand a chance.

                You display all the symptoms of having a yellow streak down your back, and it would be wise for you to understand that this old man is still a man, and a man of courage, who, I have little doubt, could make easy work of your undoubtedly feeble ass, should we ever meet face to face. Got it, wacko?

                  1. Sorry man. I wanted to just discuss stuff about history or anthropology with him. Even if there are things where me and this Vanini guy can’t agree on, at least there might have been certain stuff that me and him can see eye to eye. But he keeps coming back at me with his senile tone and boo-hoo-hoo about what I said regarding Poo-land. Jesus.

                  2. BRANDON MARTINEZ: You’re in the right, of course (except in calling the defense of a White nation “quibbling”). You can’t have your pages overburdened with text from two guys incessantly scrapping.

                    If I were you I’d ban both of us. Seriously. I really don’t think you have a choice. That delusional Pole-hater, with serious psychoneurotic problems, is not likely to quit trashing a whole European nation, and may not confine his demonizing to the Poles, as he’s already spoken ill of Italians too. That seems to be his mission. Look at the vapid curtness of most of his comments on other topics and compare it to the length and detail of his comments on the Poles. Hating Poland is where his heart is.

                    So he’s not likely to quit, and I, if I have free speech, will continue to effectively correct his falsities. I don’t know how to engage in WN politics EXCEPT from the standpoint of loyalty to European nations.

                    So you SHOULD ban us both. If you banned just him, it would be a case of “selective prosecution”; and if you only banned me, the ban would not only be selective but discriminatory toward a European Nationalist who defends a fellow European nation–a rather unseemly thing for a WN site to do.

                    It’d probably be wise to do it now, because I promise you, the next time the fool spews defamatory talk against Poland or any other White nation I’ll resume correcting him.

                    P.S. Kudos for the juxtaposition of the Warsaw subway with that of niggerfied and Islamized Paris. The Warsaw one IS White and European–lovely–like ALL European subways should be!

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