Female Narcissism Unleashed By Social Media Has Led to Rise of MGTOW

Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) has exploded in popularity over the past 10 years.

There are hundreds of highly popular YouTube channels and blogs that traffic in MGTOW content. Business is booming for MGTOW content creators.

I believe there is a direct correlation between MGTOW and the rise of social media and dating apps.

Social media and dating apps have obliterated dating for men.


Because through these apps and websites, the modern female has an abundance of penis to choose from. She can obtain a new penis as quickly as she can order a latte at Starbucks. All she has to do is upload one slutty photo to a dating app, Instagram or Facebook, and she will be bombarded with offers of dick. Thanks to our sex-crazed Jewish culture, most men are so thirsty for the punani that even obese slobs are getting major action these days. This opulence of penis and male validation through social media has unleashed the hellish nightmare of female hypergamy and narcissism.

Females are genetically hypergamous due to their weak physical stature. They cannot survive without the labour of men, so they must entice superior men with their moist holes to obtain our labour and resources.

Thanks to the satanic cult of feminism, all females have been pushed into the workforce. As a result of being more “independent” and less reliant on men for resources, females have collectively elevated their standards for men. You’d think that female hypergamy would have disappeared now that they work. But no, it has merely increased. Owed to the false validation of social media and modern makeup techniques, the average-looking female today views herself as a beauty queen, and concurrently searches for her high-status king in the top 20% of income earners. This has left scores of middle and lower income men out in the cold, or on a constant pussy-hunt with lackluster results, hence the rapid growth of MGTOW.

Because female hypergamy has exploded to astronomical proportions, modern dating has become a nightmare for most men of average income. Unless you have the bling and upper class swagger to impress a modern harlot, she will pay no attention to you. She may use you for a few free drinks and dinners, and then hop right back on the Tinder cock carousel until she hooks a high-status “keeper”.

MGTOW exists because of the atrocious dating behaviour of modern women. Dating a modern woman is like dating a mannequin. Most of these women are either vapid and soulless or annoying and needy. Studies have shown that one third of modern Western women go on dates simply to get a free meal. Women who use dating apps do so mainly to get a quick ego boost, not actually to date men.

Here some dingbats talk about this phenomenon but fail to ask the prudent question: why are only women inclined to do such things and not men?

The answer is that women are biologically programmed narcissists who value resources over everything. In the eyes of a female, a man is just a resource machine. If he cannot provide her with some kind of resource, like a free meal, then she’s not interested. This confirms the biological reality that all women enter sexual relationships with men simply as a means of obtaining extra resources that she can benefit from. Now that she can provide for herself through work, she has upped the ante for men who must demonstrate opulence by providing her with something that she can’t get on her own.

So MGTOW is a response to unhinged female narcissism that modern technology enables.

All of this repulsive female behaviour has contributed greatly to the collapse of white birth rates throughout the West. Fewer and fewer women are marrying and reproducing because they are on a massive ego and power trip with their heads up their own asses. Only multimillionaire studs can compete for the affection of even moderately attractive femoids.

Until the modern femoid is tamed and put in her place below superior men, she will continue to act destructively in our society and MGTOW will continue to grow.

8 thoughts on “Female Narcissism Unleashed By Social Media Has Led to Rise of MGTOW

  1. On first date you should go just for a drinks, and maybe some “tapas” or chicken wings. And going Dutch.
    After shagging, you can invite the femoid to a dinner, But not too expensive.

  2. In the end its two sides of the same coin of lamentations. Women are dumb creatures that are just a collection of hormonal impulses, but Mgtow is just as much as a dead end as feminism. A “man going his own way” in the end is just a drifter. I rather had these men forming warbands to capture women from other tribes like the romans did.
    In the end i suspect both these reproduction denying lifestyles to be a mechanism against overpopulation. Look how many humans you see in real life or by proxy and then ask yourself when was the last time you’ve seen a deer. If we already reached the point of no return the only way out of this is bronze age style bride capture.

  3. These goo holes are out of control. The first thing I would do as president is ban makeup and yoga pants. Then we’ll see how hot these bitches think they are.

  4. One can always snag a pretty decent foreign lady, if you’re not a total Quasimodo, or even if you are! They are essentially playing the same game as the spoiled american beyotches —trading up for a visa- but it’s not a bad trade for us! and it can be fun. Get a russian babe, a cute little filipina, or be even smarter and go to Colombia and bring back
    a saucy little knockout. Your buddies will be effin jealous!! lol

  5. Not too long ago, I “leaned in” on a discussion where a woman was complaining that there aren’t “marriageable” men anymore in today’s society. The woman, of course a feminist, was single (no kidding), and quite successful in her career, but nonetheless, single and she wanted this void to be filled with a male partner. But her standards were high, very high. And so finally I joined the discussion. I asked her, what do women bring to the table? Look, I said, half the women are overweight, if not obese, a good number of women are on meds, a sizable number of women have tattoos and of course there is feminism. So you tell me: Why would any sane successful man take his chances on a woman. If, God forbid, a marriage takes place, guess who is going to lose in the courts? The lady, clearly aggravated (and yes, she had tattoos), was of the opinion that I was “exaggerating” and that for “marriage problems”, man had to look in the mirror to find an answer. Translation: She had no answer. I told her, lots of men nowadays look at themselves in the mirror and say: Keep it up, you pretty bachelor, you’re doing good by keeping women at bay. A feminist approach is typical: If a woman wants to remain single, she is an independent lady, but if a man wants to remain single, he is a loser? Don’t think so!

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