Wretched Dyke Megan Rapinoe Featured in Some Evil Fashion Campaign

This manly dyke is being promoted by the Jewish media and fashion industry because she represents the total death of traditionalism and normalcy.


But we talked about another facet of her career. For the first time, Rapinoe, who was named FIFA’s Best Women’s Player in the World last year, will be the face of a fashion campaign. The highly decorated athlete can soon expect to see her grinning face and signature dark pink hair on billboards across Paris for the luxury brand Loewe.

“Any chance I get to do something outside of sport, particularly in fashion, I’m all over that,” she said. “Particularly in the context of women’s sports, where I feel we’re very boxed in.

“OK fine, you’re the gay activist one. Or there are always different ways that we’re seen — they’re not always bad. But we’re seen through the lens that our sponsors, or society or US Soccer wants to put us through. For me, (fashion) is my way of getting to do and look and express myself exactly the way that I want to.”

No stranger to dressing for the camera, Rapinoe has graced the covers of publications from Glamour and Marie Claire to Sports Illustrated, which named her Sportsperson of the Year in December. This was on the heels of an earlier appearance in SI’s hugely popular (and controversial) swimsuit issue, which she saw as an opportunity to “mash up worlds.”

This dildo-strapped degenerate got lots of attention after the last women’s world cup when her and other US female soccer players complained that they weren’t paid as much as the men’s team, crying like little toddlers about it.

When I look at insufferable cunts like Rapinoe, I dream of Nuclear Holocaust.

She’s just that revolting. I’d rather destroy all living beings on earth than have to look at her ugly dyke mug.

She is a classic example of why women shouldn’t be allowed to play sports professionally.

Women who play sports usually do so because they have higher testosterone levels than other women. Hence why so many female “athletes” are manly dykes with short hair and flat chests.

Women who are attracted to the world of sports are basically trannies.

The only sports suited for the female are synchronized swimming, figure skating, gymnastics and maybe diving. The women in those sports are actually feminine and exhibit feminine qualities within the sport. Females who play any other sport are just trying to imitate men and inevitably take it further than sport by fucking other women with strap-on dildos.

It’s like female body builders. Who the fuck wants to look at these disgusting freaks?

Female athletes and body builders are psychologically damaged women who have been conditioned by our corrupt society to be the opposite of what they were born to be.

All of it is driven by daddy issues and self-loathing.

Megan Rapinoe is an omen of societal death by a thousand cuts.

8 thoughts on “Wretched Dyke Megan Rapinoe Featured in Some Evil Fashion Campaign

  1. yeah, well,… the jewmedia promotes this manly dyke because “it” is white; THUS, it represents the total death of traditionalism and normalcy… which is the white race … that’s what the jewmedia is telegraphing to niggers, muslims, shitskins and all that garbage jews are dragging into western countries..

    am i the fuck the only one who thinks like a conniving jew and can see thru the disgusting jewish subliminal manipulation, lies, machinations, motives… to paint white people as degenerates; thus, ready for elimination? wtf?

    Rapinoe is repulsive but the jewmedia in jewmerika which glorifies this degeneracy is the problem which was unleashed on the white race. for as long as we kept fags in their filthy closets, all was good. and then marxist jews let these cocksuckers out… and it became like sodom and gomorrah here.

    fucking Rapinoe is a manifested symptom of underline disease …. jews are the disease. why worry about symptoms and not focus on eliminating the disease… or at least identify the disease ?

    anyway, that’s my take on it… if it was not for the (((disease))) this country contracted, there would be no Rapinoe

  2. Femdyke women dye their purple, green, pink or blue for one reason. Like some brightly colored animals, it`s a warning to keep away! These twats have appropriated the animal kingdom in an effort to tell hetero men to keep their distance. But, then again, what self-respecting man in his right mind would EVER want to be seen or even talk with one of these defilers of real womanhood. Exactly what I would want to tell to Crapinoe is what she can do to herself. Hint- it`s physically impossible . Now get in your Lesbaru (Subaru) and get the hell out of here.

  3. I always thought football (soccer) is a faggot sport for retarded supporters, never thought about it as a sport for dykes, but… lo and behold!

    I suspect some Englishmen invented football to keep eneterteid the village retardeds every Sunday.

    And soccer dads are the most retarded people ever!


  4. The “soccer dad” actually, is an interesting pjenomena in Spain since the “soccer dad” is the average dad in this country.
    That is the kind of people who is procreating.

  5. Even on mainstream fitness sites freaks like this are promoted by heebes, you know the ones that did 9/11, as role models for our precious white ladies.

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