BASED: Ecuador’s President Says Women Only Report ‘Sexual Harassment’ From ‘Ugly Men’

So true, so true.

The Independent:

Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno has been criticised for saying women only report harassment “when it comes from an ugly person”.

Mr Moreno made the comment at an economics conference in the city of Guayaquil on Friday, where he also said that men are “permanently subject to the danger of being accused of harassment”.

According to local newspaper El Universal, he said that although it was “good” that women report harassment, he added that women sometimes “are angry with ugly people”.

That is to say that it is harassment when it comes from an ugly person,” he explained. “But if the person is good-looking, they usually do not necessarily think that it is harassment.”

Mr Moreno, who is 66, added: “Already, in the case of my age, it would not be harassment but sexual decline. Sometimes, we exaggerate things.”

A video of his comments during the conference, which was aimed at promoting private investments in the country, was shared widely on social media, sparking backlash.

One Twitter user wrote: “We are governed by a misogynist! Lenin Moreno is a mean, miserable, soulless human being.”

Another said: “What a shame for the country to have Lenin Moreno as a “president”.

What reasonable person can deny this?

In the dingbat brains of most females, ‘sexual harassment’ is an amorphous term that really means ‘being approached or hit on by a man who a woman is not attracted to’.

If the man who was hitting on them were rich, famous or physically attractive, then the female wouldn’t call it ‘sexual harassment’ but ‘flirting’ and she would most certainly like it and reciprocate it.

This is how women operate sexually. It is very clear to any honest observer of female behaviour.

Oy vey, the patriarchy!

But where’s the lie, bitch?

Keep collecting those femimarxist tears, Mr. President.

Well done.

2 thoughts on “BASED: Ecuador’s President Says Women Only Report ‘Sexual Harassment’ From ‘Ugly Men’

  1. If they followed Islam and put these bitches in hoods and stoned them for sex outside of marriage/dishonour they wouldnt have to deal with this…

    1. Don’t be so sure. In most islamic shitholes women can no longer be legally forced to marry, so they marry latter, or to foreigners, or not at all. Of course the family can kill defiant women, the unrequited lover can melt her face with acid etc. Islamic bullshit never solved anything, or their shitholes would not be hellish places.
      2 simple facts : Iran produces more trannies than Thailand, and Morrocco is an open-air brothel, like Thailand, with something like 50000 to 200000 bastards born out of wedlock every year.
      Yet those islamic rats don’t want to legalize abortions. I’m against abortion for whites, not for brown subhumans. There are just too many of them.

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