Formerly Attractive Actress Amanda Bynes Now Looks Like a Weather-Beaten Dyke Cave Troll

This then and now picture of actress Amanda Bynes is truly shocking, folks.

She used to be highly attractive and feminine… but something went horribly wrong: she became a feminist.

In addition to the nasty face and hair, she’s also a repugnant fat pig.

This is what feminism does to women: it kills their souls.

They become sad little monsters whose inner demons begin to reflect on the outside.

This is like some crazy paranormal shit out of the exorcist.

Why are women choosing to go down this dark path?

What has feminism brought them but cumulative unhappiness and depression?

Men make the world go round. We are the lifeblood of civilization. Without men, the world stops dead in its tracks. If you removed women from the picture, the clocks would still be ticking on time and the trains arriving at the station.

Women are a necessary element of civilization to sustain it through the birth and sustenance of children. But apart from that, they serve little function.

This is a man’s world… a white man’s world, to be more precise.

Women must know their place in this white man’s world, behind us in supportive roles.

The Western world is collapsing at free fall speed largely because Marxist white-hating Jews implanted the crooked idea that women are equal to men and must be pandered to, propped up and put on a pedestal where they don’t belong.

This delusional and laughably erroneous concept of equality between the sexes is wreaking catastrophic havoc throughout the West and is bringing our civilization to its knees.

Women trying to be men does not even make them happy; it makes them frustrated, angry, sad and unhinged because they will never live up to the standards that men have set…. they aren’t physically or mentally capable of replicating the acumen of white men.

Amanda Bynes, who is today a drug and alcohol-addicted bipolar train wreck, is proof that feminism is cancer that slowly kills its host.

7 thoughts on “Formerly Attractive Actress Amanda Bynes Now Looks Like a Weather-Beaten Dyke Cave Troll

  1. The question is when will white men come together to salvage the wreckage of Western Civilization? When will we stand and come together and say “GTFO you jews, niggers, gooks, pakis, dotheads, muzzies and beaners! These are OUR lands!”. When will we realize that tolerance and pandering to these shitstains only means we end up losing our future?

    You look around in the West and it’s crawling with these foreign locusts filling up our institutions, being promoted by jews as the future, calling us racists and telling us we are the problem and that WE need more fucking diversity!

    It is an absolute outrage. It’s absolutey insane that so many white cucks accept it and even breed with these non-whites. Sickening.

    1. Boy oh boy, Mister F@ckingJigaboos I agree with you 10,000 percent. That is straightforward and exactly what I think too. When are we going to stand up to the Jew and his cronies??
      Everybody talks a good talk and everybody puts out “content” on the Internet, which is nothing more than an attempt to cash in on the “Johnny Carson” aspect of the Internet. Meanwhile, nothing actually gets done in saving Europe and America from the incessant invasion promulgated by the Jew.

      I have absolutely no doubt that if our ancestors of 100 years ago should somehow come back to life and see what is going on here in America and in Europe, they would dis-own their grandchildren and children and tell them how ashamed they are of them. I only wish we had more people like yourself on the Internet telling it exactly as it is, and encouraging people to take the actions, such as joining political parties and becoming lawyers, judges and what have you and try to legally take back our nations. But I’ve been losing hope for a long long time and I think that Western civilization is now on the stage of decline.

  2. She’s a jewess. Was hot 10 years ago, but now looks full Lena Dunham. Point is valid anyway. Too many white chicks destroy their bodies seeking attention. There are so many with ridiculous tattoos, haircuts, fake lips, tits, ass, whatever.
    There was a time when women were not allowed to spend their money without supervision of a male.
    No brazilian butt lifting live fuckdolls and scottish tattooed whores back then.

  3. Feminism is another Jew constyto destroy white families that nasty Duke Gloria Steinem started that shit and it was spread by Jew Hollywood. The Jew is the enemy.

  4. Amanda is on anti schizophrenic medication, that’s why she’s fat; plus she is middle aged woman not a young girl.

  5. Amanda – supposedly young and attractive – when did that supposedly happen?? Even back then she wasn’t much of a looker. Probably had more of a “Hooker” look, I would say…

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