Guardian: Women Need to Act Even More Bitchy & Entitled

Just when you thought feminism couldn’t get any more unhinged, this article appears encouraging women to be cunts and bitches in order to spite men.


Difficult. It’s a word that rests on a knife-edge: when applied to a woman, it can be admiring, fearful, insulting and dismissive, all at once. In 2016, it was used of Theresa May (she was “a bloody difficult woman,” Ken Clarke said, when she ran for Tory leader). A year later, it gave the US author Roxane Gay the title for her short story collection. The late Elizabeth Wurtzel took “in praise of difficult women” as the strapline for her feminist manifesto in 1998. The book’s main title was, simply, Bitch.

The word is particularly pointed since it recurs so often when women talk about the consequences of challenging sexism. The TV presenter Helen Skelton once described being groped on air by an interviewee while pregnant. She did not complain, she said, because “that’s just the culture that television breeds. No one wants to be difficult.” The actor Jennifer Lawrence told the Hollywood Reporter that she had once stood up to a rude director. The reaction to the incident left her worried that she would be punished by the industry. “Yeah,” chipped in fellow actor Emma Stone: “You were ‘difficult’.”

All this is edging towards the same idea, an idea that is imprinted on us from birth: that women are called unreasonable, selfish and unfeminine when they stand up for themselves. “I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is,” wrote Rebecca West in 1913. “I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat, or a prostitute.”

So what does it mean to be a difficult woman? I’m not talking about being rude, thoughtless, obnoxious or a diva. First of all, difficult means complicated. A thumbs-up, thumbs-down approach to historical figures is boring and reductive. Most of us are more than one thing; no one is pure; everyone is “problematic”. Look back at early feminists and you will find women with views that are unpalatable to their modern sisters. You will find women with views that were unpalatable to their contemporaries. They were awkward and wrong-headed and obstinate and sometimes downright odd – and that helped them to defy the expectations placed on them. “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself,” wrote George Bernard Shaw in 1903. “Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” (Or, as I always catch myself adding, the unreasonable woman.) A history of feminismshould not try to sand off the sharp corners of the movement’s pioneers – or write them out of the story entirely, if their sins are deemed too great. It must allow them to be just as flawed – just as human – as men. Women are people, and people are more interesting than cliches. We don’t have to be perfect to deserve equal rights.

It mentioned a feminist manifesto entitled “Bitch”.

Well that sums up the whole movement, doesn’t it?

The article is accompanied by a picture of a femoid standing on a pedestal.

Right, that sums it all up nicely too, doesn’t it?

Pussy Powa, yo.

Feminism is really just an excuse for women to act like insufferable cunts, masking their nasty behaviour as some kind of rebellion against the “patriarchy”.

Great, I encourage this. The more bitchy, entitled, and cuntish women behave, the more men will check out of the sexual market and stop providing resources for these unbearable brats.

Men need to pull out, end all investments, to withdraw all funds from this shitshow called the sexual marketplace.

That’s the only way to change female behaviour, to tame them.

When the femoids realize that men aren’t willing to be doormats and automatic ATM machines for entitled bitchy women anymore, that men are asserting their dominance once again and not putting up with femoid bullshit, then things will begin to change.

We need to apply full-blown economic sanctions on these women. They will have to totally fend for themselves. When these paper tiger economies start to falter and jobs for women dry up, they will feel the hurt, and men won’t be there to save them, to support them anymore.

No more White Knights in shining armor. Men will look at struggling women with indifference and go about our lives without even noticing them, without caring.

Not giving a shit and ignoring women is the best defense against this virus called Entitled Cunt Syndrome, also known as feminism.

4 thoughts on “Guardian: Women Need to Act Even More Bitchy & Entitled

  1. what is lost in this prose is that the “Men need to pull out, end all investments, to withdraw all funds from this shitshow called the sexual marketplace.” battle cry is EXACTLY what jews and marxists want and work so hard to accomplish.

    marxists want the destruction of family and heterosexual relationships in order to collapse white demographics and replacement ratio. (((marxists))) used feminizm to alienate women from men. now men go their own way… while the State becomes the husband and protector of women and uses women as attack dogs against men…

    islam has this right: … no negotiation, no debate, own your women and make them submit to men… put fucking hijab on these women and make them walk ten feet behind their men… and take their voting rights away as women nearly always vote for marxists/socialists and commie (((filth)))

    1. Marxists have already destroyed the family and enslaved men to the whims of women. We are living in gynocentric hellholes. The best men can do now is withdraw from that system and boycott it until we gain the upper hand politically and turn things around.

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