Zionist Emma Tessler is Upset that White People Prefer to Date Within Their Race

Emma Tessler set up a dating company to encourage the goyim to race-mix.


She’s upset that the white people who use her shitty service prefer to date other white people, demanding that they race-mix for the good of globalism and jewish racial supremacy.

There’s one little problem with her philosophy: she’s a Jewess who married another Jew in a Jewish ceremony officiated by a rabbi.

New York Times:

Emma Eiber Tessler and Benjamin Samuel Jacoff were married Sept. 10 in Madison, Conn. Rabbi Jessica Minnen officiated at Barberry Hill Farm, a vegetable, fruit and wildflower farm.

The bride, 28, is a junior at City College of New York. She is also a founder of Dating Ring, a matchmaking company based in New York, where she is working part time.

She is a daughter of Elissa Eiber Tessler and Dr. Aaron N. Tessler of Guilford, Conn. The bride’s father is a psychiatrist in Guilford, and works part time as a psychiatrist at the Grove School in Madison. Her mother also works in Guilford as a gerontologist in hospice care.

And thus is the classic subversion of the Eternal Jew: race-mixing for thee, but not for me.

She not only chose to marry within her race, but encourages other Jews to do so as well.


In Israel, rabbis will not even recognize marriages between Jews and non-Jews and immigrants to Israel must prove their Jewishness through documents or a DNA test.

Why do these demented schizoid Jews like Emma Tessler insist that white gentiles be bred out of existence while her own race remains pure?

The destructive anti-white behavior of Emma Tessler proves that Jewish animus towards the white racial group is hard-wired in their DNA and that no amount of reason will ever sway them from this path.

Thus the only solution to the Jewish problem is wholesale separation.

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