Lesson From London: Deport All Moslems & Ban Islam

Why is it that when the latest moslem terror outrage occurs, nobody (or very few people) points out the obvious truth of the situation, which is that had the moslem terrorist not been permitted to immigrate to a white country his attack would not have occurred.

It’s very basic logic that anyone, even low-IQ retards, can understand and digest.

The British state (and other Western states) is spending hundreds of millions of dollars trying to “deradicalize” these moslems that they’ve stupidly imported for no logical reason. They are wasting that money on an effort that is entirely futile. How can you deradicalize a group of people who follow a religion that is inherently, doctrinally radical?

The followers of Islam who commit these heinous attacks are just putting into practice what their religious texts say – namely kill the infidel and convert the unbelievers – so why is anyone surprised that this keeps happening? It will keep happening until the religion of Islam is banned from the West and all of its followers deported back to Islamic countries where they belong.

There’s really nothing else to say about the Islamic problem other than that these people shouldn’t be here.

Why bother dragging the debate any further than that?

Why do we as whites need to justify this stance, anyway? All we have to say is, we don’t like these beasts so they should be prevented, en masse, from coming here and the ones already here should be made to leave.

Obviously, if we wanted to we could enter into pedantic arguments as to why we don’t want them here, and we could easily win that argument. The terror threat posed by moslems is so substantial that this group as a whole presents a menacing danger to public safety. The presence of moslems significantly increases the chances of being murdered in a random jihad attack.

Were there any jihad attacks prior to the importation of these moslems? No, because there were no moslems. So one sure way to guarantee that no jihad attacks occur ever again is to deport all moslems, ban the koran and halt all future immigration from moslem countries. No more moslems, no more terror.

Case closed.

Any non-moslem who would argue against this is either a crypto-moslem, a libtard Islamic appeaser or a white slut who has fantasies of getting gang raped by 70-IQ goat-fucking Taliban militants.

One thought on “Lesson From London: Deport All Moslems & Ban Islam

  1. Muslims are powerless and unorganized to do these fake terror acts it’s Mossad and internal sellouts doing them. Intent to flap my arms and fly to the moon does not make me able to do it. Only Jews and their sayanin worldwide and their positions in media and government and financed by Rothschild can and they are proud of it and boast of it daily as more and more realize there are no consequences for what a Jew does.

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