Patriot Front Heroes March in Washington

A very nice turn out from the pro-white Patriot Front group.

This is what we need to see more of.

Our enemies don’t really fear online shitposting.

It is real world activity that makes them squirm and sends them into convulsions of rage.


Police escorted masked members of a white nationalist group on a march through Washington’s National Mall on Saturday that Metropolitan Police said occurred without incident or arrests. 

More than 100 members of the Patriot Front, dressed in khaki pants and caps, blue jackets and white face masks, shouted “Reclaim America!” and “Life, liberty, victory!” video of the march showed. 

The Southern Poverty Law Center describes the Patriot Front as a white nationalist group that broke off from a similar organization, Vanguard America, in the aftermath of the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. 

The white masks are perfect to prevent doxing.

Financial hardship really is what prevents most whites who know the truth from joining our cause.

Staying anonymous is important for many people who need to survive by keeping a job in this Jewish system.

Not everyone has the skills or opportunity to be a homesteader living off the land. And not everyone can live off of family money and government subsidies like Richard Spencer.

It would be best for whites that we developed some basic survival skills so when things get hairy, we can weather the storm in the woods.

But activism like this is truly essential for our cause. Public displays that grab media headlines are what we need to propel us to the forefront and recruit more people.

Websites are good, too, but can only do so much.

It is in your own local community where you can have the most real world impact.

Get organized and join the Patriot Front.

5 thoughts on “Patriot Front Heroes March in Washington

  1. It didn`t get too much play in the left-wing media. They found something safer to report on-the democrat caucuses in the East Coast, and, of course the events leading to the Oscar suck-up, sodomite fest tonight.

  2. Patriot Front Heroes? Really? Alright. You can march. Anyone can march. But wear no masks. It’s the same mistake that Antifa and the leftists make, And it’s a display of cowardice. Afraid of losing your jobs in this “jewish” system? Really? Sound like EVERY other “victim” group out there. That was always the problem with group vistimization. Sooner or later, everyone with a bone to pick becomes one! Unacceptable. If you are into a movement, any movement, enough to carry a flag, and to go out and make traffic crappy just to get your message across, then you should show your face. OWN YOUR ATTITUDES. I am a conservative, and a native New Yorker. I look at this photo, and it smacks of Appalachian undereducation and too much alcohol. 1960’s. I think it’s more that you are ashamed to be identified? Are you afraid Big Brother will discover your name and address? They already have. Fascist and Neo-Nazi’s are generally just as misguided as the Commies and the SJWs when it comes to advertising their message. No backbone. Just anger. So get, or develop, and then send out, a legitimate spokesman (person – A woman would lighten up your apparent violent edge. But I do recognize that it would be a tall order for a group like yours to pull that off), who will show their face, and then have a real debate about policy, discrimination, and victimization. Stop making Trump look like a SS officer whose also stuck in the past. We need him to win over more Dems. Remember: When you post and gloat about your “night-rider” movement, you give them ammo.

    1. Rolls eyes….. typical docile and petty drivel from the basic bitch indoctrinated and braindead conservative aka cuckservative.

      Ask yourself truly, what has modern conservatism managed to conserve?

      What does it seek to conserve? The natural environment?Western Culture?

      Ethnic autonomy? Religion? The nation? The race?

      Nothing is conserved. The natural environment is industrialized, pulverized and commoditized. Western culture is trivialized, pulped and blended into a smear of meaningless nothing, with the only tenets and beliefs seemingly held to are the myth of the individual, the value of work (productivity for the benefit of your capitalist owners) and the sovereignty of private property (to ensure none of us get grand ideas of taking the unearned wealth of our owners).

      Ethnic autonomy? Destroyed in the name of cheap labour, whilst they may publicly object to the illegal immigration of the third world masses, privately they push for as much migration as possible, anything to decrease the labour cost of production and line their pockets with the profits. They removed the White people’s peoples autonomy and sovereignty for their own lust for power and wealth.

      Religion? What remains? Empty churches and full shopping centers? Drive through confessionals and no fault divorce? Any religious ideal that stood between the wealthy and wealth generation was downplayed, sidelined and quietly dismantled. All so that they could line their pockets without complaints or objections.

      The nation? What nations do we have to conserve? What our own nations now based on? Their is no shared culture, ethnicity, language, values or beliefs. Anyone can be a member of our nation, as long as they have the paperwork. They need not be born here, share our race, our language, our culture or our beliefs. Hear the conservatives cry, as long as they are willing to WORK, let them in! Let them earn our wealthy benefactors their second yachts and their fifth properties!

      The Race? They don’t even BELIEVE in the race, they don’t even have the gall to say race exists. And above all they don’t even care if it does.

      It’s profit, and profit alone that drives them, all else is secondary. The notion of a racial future or destiny is as foreign to them as social responsibilities. Not a thing has been conserved other than corporate profits and the the ever increasing wealth of the 1% that exploit the people for their own benefit.

      Conservatism is dead. Thank god. Now let us bury it and move on to something of worth.

      You conservatives are not that much different from the shitlibs that you all claim to be against and are a pathetic and shameful disgrace to the Founding Fathers that you all claim to cherish and revered.

      In short, you conservatives are FAKE & GAY PATRIOTS.

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