Replacist BBC Parasites Put Out Video Justifying the Great Replacement

The BBC, which bans white people from even applying for certain jobs at its company, has put out a new video trying to justify the Great Replacement of white Britons with brown low-IQ foreigners.

Click image to see the video

The video touts the usual immigration is “good for Muh Economy” bullshit, as if some ephemeral good economy is more valuable than the preservation of the racial and cultural heritage of Great Britain.

It went to great lengths to denigrate the native Brits and their culture, suggesting that British food is inferior to Dindu food like curries and kebabs, and that even the famous British dish fish and chips was invented by Jewish immigrants.

The is the ideal British future according to the BBC, with whites as a minority among a sea of dindus.

Everything good about Britain today ā€“ from its food to its financial industry to its biotechnology industry ā€“ is thanks to immigrants, the BBC tells us.

This is some very streamlined anti-white propaganda, designed to demoralize native white Brits so that they don’t resist the coming wave of replacement migration that will facilitate their racial genocide.

The video admits that one in seven British citizens today has foreign origins and that only 20 years ago it was half that.

This means that the Jewish globalist engineers of white genocide have rapidly sped up their plan to replace us over the past two decades.

And the BBC is a main vehicle expediting that genocide with anti-white hate videos like this one.

And yet, this is all just a crazy “conspiracy theory” invented by white nationalists, right stupid goyim?

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