Scandinavian Airlines Makes Explicit Genocidal Commercial Negating Existence of Nordic Race & Culture

Every other culture exists and has things to be proud of, except Scandinavia.

Got that stupid filthy goyim?

These anti-white savages are going ALL IN with the propaganda.

What the hell does this have to do with an airline?

Negating the existence of its own people is what SAS calls “good marketing”?

This is globalist satanism on full display.

They are targeting Scandinavia extra hard because that region has the highest percentage of blond hair and blue eyed people, the Aryan ideal.

The International Jew behind this campaign of genocide wants to eliminate the finest examples of our race, which is why they’re so heavily focused on attacking the Nordic countries who represent the Aryan archetype that the Jew despises.

It can’t get any more clear than this, folks, that the Marxist-Jew elite and their collaborators want us all dead.

What more proof is needed?

It’s all right there in a single commercial, the whole agenda laid bare for all the world to see.

Update: the anti-white cowards behind the commercial took it down from Youtube.

5 thoughts on “Scandinavian Airlines Makes Explicit Genocidal Commercial Negating Existence of Nordic Race & Culture

  1. lol these people are fucking stupid back when i was in school everybody already knew that these “oh you can’t be against foreigners because your spices are from foreign land” as if a bag of cinnamon would sneak itself over the border to rob people and molest wamens.

    oh boy i realy hope not one of these global warming eco terrorist groups would bomb their airlines to protest airtravel co2 emissions or something.

  2. Tourism and Proles with money to travel are a fucking cancer anyway. I don’t think Brandon feels much white solidarity with british tourists. Its all just booze cruise as soon as the lower class has spare money and they fuel toxic industry branches like this fucking airline with its pink haired sock puppets.
    Fuck all this shit.

  3. They want to see what is brought in next?
    How about relentless grenade attacks against the populace?
    How about unrelenting crime brought on by inferior nonwhites shipped into your country and having your police force do nothing about it, but will crackdown on the native populations if they protest?
    How about unrelenting diseases that never appeared before in Sweden and are now part and parcel of your landscape? How about the fact that your taxes are going up and up with no end in sight, while the parasites that have been brought in suck you dry?

    Does this shit-ass-ery ever come to an end? Does this fucking insane asylum propaganda ever called to a halt? When oh when is the white race going to rise up and finally deal with the Jew and end all this insanity?

  4. So stupid, so evil. I don´t know if the add is more evil or more stupid. Or they think we are stupid or they think Nordics are stupid or… WTF!!!!

    This is called “insult to intelligence”.

  5. Re: Media / TV commercials [Corona / R White’s]

    Corona and R White’s were both fizzy drinks from the 1970s

    R White’s Lemonade Advert (1973)

    Corona Fizzical Ad 1976

    Corona is the latest health scare.
    White identity is the latest scare.

    Just another coincidence :-).

    I notice that Timothy Fitzpatrick is doing a Fitzinfo News Roundup on his bitchute channel, I hope that he will do frequent reports there.

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