Trump Does Weird Ass-Kissing Routine in Shithole India

Trump says that America loves Indians and will always be loyal friends with India.

Why is he saying this?

They literally smear themselves with their cow shit in that country.

They also eat cow shit burgers.

They wash themselves with soap made of cow shit and piss.

They probably have sex with cows, too. Anything but eat them.

Some of them even smear cremated remains on their faces, drink their own urine and cannibalize rotted corpses.

Evidently, India is a backwards shithole country that exports millions of dotheads to flood white countries with immigration.

When they arrive, these Indians monopolize entire sectors of local economies – especially driving jobs, telemarketing, etc. – and mostly only hire their racial brethren. There are a lot of Indian landlords who gouge white people with high rent and shitty services.

Indians are net tax cheats and always find some way to get around paying their fair share of taxes to the white country they invaded.

That’s because Indians are racial tribalists who come to white countries to exploit our economies while holding firm loyalty to their own race, culture and nation of India. They are like the Jews of South Asia.

They’re only here to rape the economy and scam white people, even while they flaunt their dothead culture in our faces, aided and abetted by closeted homosexuals like Justin Trudeau.

Putting on the garb of a foreign race and praying to their gods is a form of racial submission.

Trudeau may as well have stuck a big brown dildo up his ass while eating his own shit.

All Indians should be deported back to India. They have no place in the white West. They have no affinity for our culture and they are racial enemies trying to outbreed us in our own lands.

Trump is making a big mistake by allying himself with a country that sends invaders to colonize us and runs all kinds of financial scams to rob white people.

Big mistake, Donald.

9 thoughts on “Trump Does Weird Ass-Kissing Routine in Shithole India

  1. closeted homosexual Justin Trudeau is only here to rape the economy and scam white people, even while he flaunts his dothead culture in our faces, while he even smears cow shit on his face.

  2. Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Charvaka and Sikhs are the enemy of Islam. And they are Indoeuropean religions (not sure about the Sikh). And well, Charvaka is not a religion.
    The white man needs some allies.

    1. It’s the white man who saved hindus and the like from muslims. And without white man medecine and agriculture there won’t be billions of indians, niggers, chinks, various muslims and bloodthirsty aztecs.
      Our ancestors bred those rats instead of letting them be plagued by starvation, diseases, and wars, as those monkeys love nothing more than butchering each others for fun.
      None of those subhumans can be allies, they hate whites to the core.

      Another hint of this, Asia Bibi, the paki sentenced to death for blasphemy, after seeking asylum in Canada, now came to France. I guess Trudeaux isn’t progressive enough, or wellfare is better in the islamic state of France. The indian government passed a law to welcome all non-muslims from Pakistan and Bangladesh, so it’s obviously not for safety reasons this brown turd and her family will become another burden for white taxpayers in a country already full of moslems who would gladly take her head off.

      1. I do agree with you completely.

        Thanks to fucking Christianity, the moronic whites felt (and feel) a duty of care and compassion for these subhumans, hence the hospitals and all the bloody help and assistance over the years.

        We don’t have anyone to blame but ourselves.

        These people will NEVER be our allies because they hate us.

        We don’t need any allies. What we need is to recover our old racial pride and identity that we lost thanks to the marxist re-education after WW2.

    2. Let the Indians fight over religion. It’s not our business to be involved in their “Hindu vs. Islam” thing. I trust Hindus as much as I trust non-white Muslims (meaning that I trust white Muslims, like Bosniaks for instance, more than Indian Hindus lol). But there are other language families that, just like Indo-European, transcend race. The three other best examples about this are Afro-Asiatics, who include the brown and more rarely white fair skinned Semites and Berbers of West Asia and North Africa and the dark-skinned, mostly Caucasoid, but sometimes also Negroid, folks from Horn of Africa, as well as Niger, and Northern Nigeria. Then you have the Turkics, who can look anything from Mongoloid to Middle Eastern and White. And lastly you have the Uralic speakers, who range from whites (in Hungary, Estonia, most of Finland) to Mongoloid-looking folks among some Uralic groups who live in Northern Russia.

      You will never see for instance brown Semites shilling for dark/black-skinned Afro-Asiatic speakers from Africa, despite sharing a language family between themselves. In fact, both Jews and Arabs have and have historically had a negative opinion about dark Afro-Asiatics from Africa. Dark Afro-Asiatics from Africa often ended up being slaves of Arabs and not that Jews thing of them any higher. So, it is in our best interest, that we white Europeans don’t shill of any kind of Indians, regardless of religion. The fact that they speak languages that are similar to ours means nothing.

  3. I can’t fucking stand these ugly dotheads that soil our white nations. Why the hell do I have to see ugly dothead women in their traditional dothead garb infesting my streets, my schools, my convenience stores? What on Earth are these people doing in my country??? It would be just as bizarre if the inverse were true: white people running all the convenience stores and winning all the spelling bees in India!

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