UK: Beta Male Kills Himself Because His Dumb Girlfriend Dumped Him

Killing yourself over a stupid femoid is an act of pure weakness and cowardice.

Daily Mail:

A heartbroken teenager killed himself after his girlfriend broke up with him while his parents who had ‘no idea’ he was suffering were abroad, an inquest heard.  

Kieran Froude, 19, was found dead at home near Gosport, Hampshire, on the day he was due to meet his former girlfriend after their four-year relationship ended. 

His devastated parents Tony and Allen were on holiday in France when Mr Froude died of suicide in the afternoon of September 7 last year. 

An inquest yesterday heard how the pair had ‘absolutely no idea’ about their son’s anguish because he ‘hid his emotions so well’. 

Coroner Samantha Marsh cautioned against concealing mental health struggles days after news of Caroline Flack’s suicide shocked Britain. 

Ms Marsh also warned of the need to ‘break the stigma’ of mental health as it emerged last year that suicide was the most common cause of death for men aged between 20 and 49, according to the Office for National Statistics. 

She said: ‘With what’s been happening in the national media it’s important to recognise that everybody should be able to reach out and admit they are struggling.

‘As a society we need to break the stigma of mental health for men.’ 

Just look at this guy.

This clearly effeminate and henpecked young man had no idea about female nature or the tenuousness of their “love interest”.

Modern women do not love men, they love what men can provide for them, whether that be cash, free meals, fancy things, a shoulder to cry on, attention, and whatever other asinine nonsense they’re looking for.

Men are just props, ornaments that women use as fashion accessories to show off to their bimbo friends.

Most young men don’t have enough life experience to understand female nature and the absolutely frivolous essence of their “love” and affection. This is why they put so much weight on a silly “relationshit” with one of these broads, and then lose all hope for life when that little dalliance ends and the girl moves on to her next playtoy.

Only a genetically inept, weak beta male would kill himself over a dumb harlot. A real, masculine man wouldn’t give two shits if some girl “broke up” with him, and would just hit the streets with some daygame the very next day to snag a new ho, if he was inclined to do so.

The modern female has forced us all to become pickup artists who attach no value to a female’s affection. Her affection is conditional to some material interest that she’s pursuing, and so we have to adapt accordingly.

Sadly, virtually no modern women are “marriage material,” but are “pump and dump” material, which is why our whole civilization is royally screwed thanks to women’s stupid whims.

4 thoughts on “UK: Beta Male Kills Himself Because His Dumb Girlfriend Dumped Him

  1. He was a low-tier normie, she was a low-tier Stacy, so their breakup was bound to happen. Her SMV is simply off the charts compared to that simp. That said, even though he probably was some kind of leftist, I still feel bad for him and his family. Another white man who didn’t make children.

  2. Eugenics at work. If Nietzsche was alive today he would have praised this weakling for removing himself from the gene pool.

  3. This says a lot about low T beta males. When a woman breaks up with them they kill themselves. When a white woman breaks up with a negro the negro kills the white woman.

  4. A lot of youse are quick to admonish this child for his weakness, but let’s be honest, many if not most of us in our heart of hearts is a Kieran Froude. We’re all just like those mean dogs who got kicked one too many times. I feel sorry for the boy.

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