Alcoholic Buffoon Brendon O’Connell Turns Up in Lebanon to Continue Camel-Humping Crusade

Brendon O’Connell is a one-man camel-humping machine, folks.

This white Australian man has dedicated his entire pitiful life to performing fellatio on Arabic populations in the Middle East.

Look, he’s now in Lebanon trying to find Arab buttholes to bugger.

O’Connell has been on this Arab-loving grift for years.

He did this same thing in Iran. He showed up there hoping they’d roll out the red carpet for him and his brilliant “research” about Israeli high-technology, and then quickly soured on them realizing that Iranians are a bunch of incompetent retards.

He’s now repeated this grift in Lebanon, posting another video shortly after the above ones saying that the Lebanese are not making him into a local media icon quickly enough so he’s leaving.


And he’s off to the next sand dune.

This guy is absolutely unhinged, an autistic spazz-case who demands the whole world stop in its track and listen to what he has to say about Israeli back-door computer systems.

This is all a gargantuan waste of time. Shilling for Arabs is a fruitless endeavor that only the most dedicated self-hating white leftists would stick with.

The escapades of O’Connell are those of a wandering gypsy without a home. This man has squandered his life in the service of Arabic nationalism and anti-Zionism, and has received virtually no reward for doing so, not even from the towel heads he’s been shilling for.

He should have at least gotten a hot Arab wife to suck his willy while he rants about Israel and Arab victimhood, but not even that appears to be the case.

Towel heads don’t care about a white man who wants to shill for them. They much prefer a white woman so they can at least rape her a few times before sending her to get run over by an Israeli tank.

White people who go get themselves killed in the Middle East trying to save Arabs are dysgenic dead ends who have taken themselves out of our gene pool, and rightly so. These are not people we want in our societies anyway, as they are nihilistic marxist race-traitors looking for an escape route from our great white civilization.

Instead of being a human meat shield for 85-IQ camel jockeys who couldn’t give two shits about his “research” on Israel, O’Connnell could have become a very good activist for his own race and people in Australia.

But no, he’s too much of an autistic alcoholic brainlet to do anything productive for his own race.

4 thoughts on “Alcoholic Buffoon Brendon O’Connell Turns Up in Lebanon to Continue Camel-Humping Crusade

  1. Deracinated and yes, the austrailian and irish heritage would be of more worth to him than the arab grift

    ken o`keefe is another one of these fools, their irish and other heritage has everything they need if they bothered there arse looking into it,
    They would find more than they bargained for if they research how most of the irish people ended up in australia
    prisoners of war of the 1848 revolution, prisoner of wars were labelled as convicts in the penal colonies
    and the famine coincides with that (which was actually a food removal ethnocide, not a famine as the mainstream claims, (see chris fogartys books and interviews)

    they arent going to learn anything useful shilling for arabs, if they were interested in the pre islamic heritage of those nations they might find something of worth e.g phonecian or greco-roman / egyptian etc,

    But i wouldnt be suprised if these lads are all former sinn fein supporters, sinn fein destroyed the genuine irish nationalists movement which was brits out all out, no foreign subversive interference such as usury banking and jewish activity of a subversive nature through the english parasite host, a free ireland, no 32 counties bullshit because there was always 32 counties depending on who you ask (theres actually 33 counties but its a freemason meme and isnt in the public sphere, (the 33rd county is fingal and its a real governing entity)
    sinn fein also support palestinian shitskins, libya under gadaffi provided more assistance to the ira in 1 year than the palestinians ever did in 40 years (libya has r1b dna traces left over from the scythian gael movemennts in ancient times) palestinians arent genetically related to irish or western europeans (the pre islamic population would be but the mudslimes killed them all) very inept and havent taken advantage of replacement migration to claim an arab majority in israel and subsume the palestinian state into it and vice versa, the palestinians have loads of advantages over the israelis but never utilize them which means they arent a serious threat to the israelis.

    anyway These junkies are gone off the wrong path, they are either doing it on purpose or are the typical boomer moneymen who only cares about grifting and peddling cringe.

  2. Lebanon doesn’t really have a hardcore issue with Israel. It’s a pretty normal modern country with similar issues to Greece. The only people who don’t like Israel are Hellzbollah and SSNP. They dislike them for pro Arab reasons.

  3. He has more integrity in his foreskin than Fartinez and his ‘white’ (Zio psyop) nationalist stooges.

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