Bust Out Your Wallet! Alex Jones Will Cure Your Coronavirus With Special Toothpaste!

Alex Jonestein has been ordered by a court to stop selling his cures for coronavirus.


New York’s attorney general is demanding that conspiracy monger Alex Jones stop hawking phony coronavirus treatments.

Attorney General Letita James’ office sent a cease-and-desist letter Thursday saying it’s “extremely concerned” by Jones’ claims that toothpaste, dietary supplements, creams, and other products sold on his website can prevent and cure the disease, known as COVID-19.

Jones, known for pushing conspiracy theories about school shootings and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, touted the products on his radio show last week, according to the letter.

No treatments or vaccines have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the National Institutes of Health says there is no scientific evidence to suggest alternative remedies can prevent or cure the illness.

“As the coronavirus continues to pose serious risks to public health, Alex Jones has spewed outright lies and has profited off of New Yorkers’ anxieties,” said James, a Democrat.

An email seeking comment was sent to a media mailbox on Jones’ website, InfoWars.com. The 46-year-old was arrested on Tuesday on a charge of driving while intoxicated.

Jonestein is so desperate to make money that he’s now hawking fake coronavirus cures to his retard followers.

What do you expect from a total Jew-sucking, matza-eating shill like Alex Jonestein?

This man will exploit anything to make a buck, sell people useless Jew products, and tell them a bunch of half-truths and lies to protect Jews from scrutiny.

Jonestein’s entire alt-media gimmick is to suck Jewish penis and blame China and Nazis for what the Jews are doing to America, Europe and the white race.

Literally everything he does is motivated by an intense passionate affinity for the Jewish racial group and its interests. His single, solitary goal as a pundit is to elevate the Jewish racial group to world power by deflecting opprobrium away from them, by derailing investigations of their imperative role in the New World Order and Globalism.

For years this fat, alcoholic degenerate has been telling people that George Soros, a bonafide Racial Supremacist Jew who subsidizes all of the white race’s enemies, is a Nazi. He wants people to believe that a Jewish globalist who backs the far-left and large-scale dindu immigration into all white countries is motivated by Hitler’s National Socialism. And he does this with a straight face.

3 thoughts on “Bust Out Your Wallet! Alex Jones Will Cure Your Coronavirus With Special Toothpaste!

  1. Jones appeals mostly to working class conservative Boomers who else loves Jews while being both anti Nazi and anti Communist at the same time and stupid enough to buy his snake oil. He’s more irrelevant than that faggot Richard Spencer.

  2. ” Alex Jones Will Cure Your Coronavirus With Special Toothpaste!”
    Alex Jones prefers to Cure His Coronavirus With Special Toothpaste coming out of Jewish Cock !

  3. I don’t know whether this will cure viruses, but it does clean your teeth well.

    2 small storage jars in fridge.
    1. bicarbonate soda (2 spoons) mixed with sea salt (1 spoon) mixed to sorbet texture with olive oil.
    2. sea salt dissolved in water mouthwash.

    Enjoy clean teeth without spending a fortune on chemical laden toothpaste.
    Less or no trips to the dentist thereby saving you money.
    Removes the opportunity for them to dig around and “create work for themselves”.

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