Coronavirus Has Nothing On Homosexuality

By Philippe Armstrong

Homosexuals have been spreading petri dishes of disease for decades. They refused to close down the bathhouses in the late 1970s and 1980s quickly spreading the HIV/AIDS pandemic plus all the other nasties that tag along. They are still doing that, but society calls that love is love and diversity, but with coronavirus, it is social isolation, quarantine and other measures. Homosexual diseases and other diseases due to degenerate behaviour are called  human rights. But no one dare say how the homosexuals are walking walking disease vectors. Homosexuals have always been a public health threat and for decades, too. 

Take Dan Savage, the leader of the It Gets Better Project who makes a living promoting degeneracy and other deviant sexual acts. Depraved gay parades are considered wonderful and homosexals are jow protected under hate speech laws. However, just read a few facts about what passes for the average homo life and you very quickly know what Dan the Savage teaches is pure propaganda. 

The homosexual movement started in the bathhouses and trying to tell everyone they are victims. In 2013 the CDC said 81% of HIV infections resulted from male to male contact. Most homosexuals engage in rimming (for those not familiar, it means ingesting feaces). They see no problem with this. And they want to be around children! The vast majority of homosexuals do not reveal their HIV status and they are rampant drug users also heightening the risk of all sorts of other illnesses. They even want the ‘right’ to donate blood. The homosexuals can never put any brakes on their hedonism. 

In Australia, funding for HIV retrovirals could cost up to $3 billion. Australian tax dollars are paid for homosexuals to have sex with as many men as they can. The term homophobic is so far off-base. No one is scared of homosexuals. We are disgusted by it. Homosexual men are spreading diseases through their barebacking and other paraphilia. 

The media of course do a great job of portraying homos as just like heterosexuals. The similarities are very few. Homo acceptance is built on a very false myth that they are just like anyone else and love is love. To win societal acceptance, they need to pretend they are family-focused. They always operate on two desires: sex and approval. They function like children. 

Coronavirus, despite its seriousness and measures needed to contain it, has nothing over homosexuality. 

16 thoughts on “Coronavirus Has Nothing On Homosexuality

  1. Psht. It’s not gays that are dirty. It’s men. If you filthy scrotes were left to your own devices you’d fuck chopped meat until maggots burrowed out your ass. Filthy fucking knuckle draggers pointing their fat fingers at homosexuality and not at just the nature of men. Men are degenerates that need women to keep them from fucking actual babies, because we all know most of you would if you could.

    Lesbians don’t catch STIs, ps. But sure, blame “homosex”.

    1. Hmmm… you sound a bit angry. With an attitude like yours I am not surprised you are a rug munching commie feminist. Did you turn to women coz you couldn’t get a bloke?

      What annoys me the MOST about liberals is that they put feelings before facts.

      Fact: the majority of homos are disease ridden.
      Fact: most men who want to have sex with kids are homos.
      Fact: the majority of men who have sex with kids are moslem.
      Fact: you need to learn some manners followed by facts.

      I think men probably gave you the cold shoulder years ago due to your deviant tendencies, which have flourished among fellow dyke deviants.

      Be gone with ye, foul harlot of satan!

      1. Fact: Majority of pedos are heterosexual, most child sex victims are girls.

        Fact: religion ain’t got shit to do with it. Before women’s liberation men of all religions were freely forcing 12 year olds to get married.

        Fact: homo women aren’t disease ridden. They’re statistically the least likely to have an STI. It’s men and the trash/slaves that fuck them that have STIs.

        And like all males, your only response is “hurr durr men must not like u datz y u lezbin.” It’s so typical male to think that their dick is a prize and that they’re hard to get. I’ve been swatting away grown ass men since I was 10 years old. Men are easy. If I wanted a boyfriend I could download tinder and have 100 of them in 10 minutes.

        I’m just blessed to have been born lesbian. Beautiful, beautiful women. Free from the scourge of males.

        1. Fact: Majority of pedos are heterosexual, most child sex victims are girls.

          That would have to be confirmed with actual stats. But you haven’t provided any.

          Fact: homo women aren’t disease ridden. They’re statistically the least likely to have an STI. It’s men and the trash/slaves that fuck them that have STIs.

          That’s because they don’t have a penis. They just lick each other’s snatches or strap on a dildo. Men who stick their cocks up each other’s asses are disease-ridden walking contagions. Doesn’t mean lesbians aren’t also perverted.

          And like all males, your only response is “hurr durr men must not like u datz y u lezbin.” It’s so typical male to think that their dick is a prize and that they’re hard to get.

          Actually, the prevailing mentality of females is to think that their vagina is a grand prize, and they only reward it to “worthy” men who buy them fancy things. In other words, prostitutes who have sex for a price.

          I’ve been swatting away grown ass men since I was 10 years old. Men are easy. If I wanted a boyfriend I could download tinder and have 100 of them in 10 minutes.

          That’s called pussy privilege. You’re just a bump on a log and can sit back and wait for the men to come to you.

          I’m just blessed to have been born lesbian. Beautiful, beautiful women. Free from the scourge of males.

          What I find very strange about dykes like you is that many of you actually try to imitate men. You cut your hair short, you dress more masculine, you have deeper voices. It’s the same with hideous dyke couples… one of them is always more masculine and butch than the other, essentially simulating heterosexuality. So if lesbians are only attracted to women, why do they imitate men?

          Dykes are completely useless for human society and should be deported to their own dyke island where they can ass-fuck each other to death with strap-ons.

          Dirty dyke.

          1. I know some dyke couples being moms and they are great moms. And the baby comes from pregnancy of one of the dykes. I think for a child to have two momss is greatT. What it is extremely disgusting is two dads. That is sick.

            1. There’s no difference. Two moms is equally filthy. Their child, if a boy, will grow up to be a brainwashed marxist nutcase and champion of perversion and smut. If a female, will end up dead in a ditch of a drug overdose.

    2. Sapho, I am a serial “john”, and sometimes I hire a couple of escort ladies who are bisexual and an actual couple. One is lipstick and the other one is slightly butch.
      So, do not call me homophobic.
      Both are over 30, so, do not call me pedo.

  2. Good article!

    The repulsive poofs and their faggotry are living proof that the Devil really is the ruler the world.

    1. Men: I’m not a pedo/homophobe because I pay women for threesomes!

      some excellent male logic there.

  3. I see criticism, but I don’t see any solutions. Provide a solution or else we can’t take you seriously.

      1. Does not matter how accepting or liberal the society is towards homosexuality-their numbers of disease and misery is the same. Because it is an anomaly and huge exception to the norm. Most homosexuals join their peers and neck themselves or are diseased ridden infested beasts at the minimum.

  4. Captain Sapho:

    You really do need to learn some manners. Are you caucasian? If you are, well, I feel pity for you. Cast off this antiChrist sinning and embrace Truth. Your arguments are flawed and come from your feelings, rather than facts. To call all men pedos is disgusting, disgraceful, and shows that you really have no clue about the world at all. You are a victim of antiChrist, commie, jewish, propoganda, that preys upon strange outcasts, such as yourself. Feelings have no place in arguments when facts are present. No caucasian is born a faggot. To be born a fag means we would be born possessed by devils. Jesus said that children are pure and whosoever harms a child is better off being drowned. Thus no child is born a sinner, as that would mean Jesus lied. So, cast off your grotty lifestyle and embrace Christ, please!

    Homosexuality, which includes rug munching, is a sin. It is not cool, or hip, or trendy. It is a sin. Stop sinning.

    If you are not white, well, mixed up blood people have mixed up minds. You cant hear God, coz you aren’t white. I still emplore you to get your facts right before you start chimping out about things you are obviously so inncorrect about. Good argument skills spring from good people. Poor argument skills come from the ignorant and stupid. You are in the latter.

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