Evil Whore Offers to Pay Someone Infected With Chink Virus to Cough on Trump

Vampiric shebeasts want Trump dead because he is a white male.

Gateway Pundit:

A Rhode Island public school teacher with a history of harassing school choice supporters has posted an offer on social media to pay for someone with COVID-19 to cough on President Donald Trump.

Amy Bednarz is a 6th grade teacher at Villa Nova Middle School in Woonsocket, Rhode Island.

When Bednarz is not teaching English as a Second Language to middle schoolers, or offering to hire people to kill the president with biological warfare, she can often be found threatening Keri Rodriguez, the president of the National Parents Union.

Bednarz’ hostility towards Rodriguez has been so severe that she wrote a blog detailing her experiences with the teacher — which included threats against her children and repeatedly calling her on the telephone.

Though she used an anonymous account to offer money to someone for infecting the president, she was quickly figured out, as she has posted about where she works.

What’s with these weird-looking skanks and their hatred of Trump?

These leftist women are motivated by pure malice, pure hatred of everything that is superior to them and their weak, frail, hideous bodies.

God damn, is that thing real? That’s the ugliest thing I’ve seen since I last saw a picture of Michael Bloomberg rubbing his grubby Jewish hands together while daydreaming about whites becoming a racial minority in America.

2 thoughts on “Evil Whore Offers to Pay Someone Infected With Chink Virus to Cough on Trump

  1. Thing the feminists hate the most is pretty women and sophisticated women who can stand on their own two feet and do not swallow feminist fluff theories. They are unhinged haters of anything modest, decent and pure. If they are not killing their offspring, they are going about hating men, families, virtue, modesty and goodness. No man alive would fess up to being with this creature.

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