Feminism: a Cesspool of Debauchery

By Philippe Armstrong

This generation of feminists are the end result of a rampant sexual revolution which started in the 1960s. It is the final result of leftist ideology which has pushed every debauched, self-absorbed nihilistic idea onto society. 

The modern feminists often are taught by their single mothers or a crazed leftist man-hating professor at university. Single mothers often teach their children that only crazy people become mothers and what matters most is the self,  a career and smashing the patriarchy. Feminism was always about smashing marriages and making women and children totally independent of men. Mothers are mocked. A women who nurtures, loves and protects her children, is happily married and works at her marriage for the benefit of society is ridiculed. I mean, just imagine doing selfless things like raising a family, looking after the house, thinking being a mother is the most important job you will ever do. I mean, how shameful. Men and women making a place of shelter, raising children where love is received and given is mocked. 

Feminists say they oppose racism and sexism, while at the same time harbor contempt for males, especially white ones. Males are seen as inferior humans who should keep their mouths shut and know their place. 

The sisterhood is full of nasty, vindictive and vengeful people. They lobby for extra privileges,  rights and benefits. Many have comfortable jobs in academia teaching women’s studies or feminist studies. Very productive stuff. If you are a male you are an oppressor. They are forever triggered about movies, literature,  the arts, boardrooms and so on. Dissecting it for oppression and sexism is their favorite pastime.  Preying on the weak is a daily occurrence. Push blame and attack men whenever they can. Men having natural talent like physical prowess – oppressive.   Men wanting to protect their wife and kids – sexist. Women who want to be strong mothers for their children – sell outs to the patriarchy. Single mothers not turning their children into weak effeminate boys – bigoted. 

All the feminist theories have been debunked time and time again. They search for relevance. Now it is a shout your abortion campaign. Boasting and gloating about abortions is now considered powerful feminism. Pregnancy they think is all about controlling women. Well, you should have thought of that when you consented laying down with a man. 99% of abortions are simply convenience and utilising pro-murder rights and a right to a dead baby. If you made a mistake or had too much fun under the sheets, go down to your local abortuary. Or if you want children but no man involved, use surrogacy and create a synthetic child or children. Do not worry about the child not knowing the father or natural birth mother, what matters is myself, my convenience,  my wishes. Seperate sex from children. 

Increasingly feminists are degenerate binge drinkers, abortion gloaters, and send semi-nude pictures online. Often they dress like sluts in public and act like it also. They say motherhood is shameful and slavery. Nothing wholesome or good has ever come from feminism. 

The family is all but destroyed.  Promiscuity, drugs, ugly feminism,  single-mothers with fatherless homes, binge-drinking. Feminism promised sexual liberation for women but instead brought enslavement and misery. It brought you shout your abortions, debauchery, man-hating, hook up lifestyles, emptiness and lack of intimacy. 

3 thoughts on “Feminism: a Cesspool of Debauchery

  1. “My body my choice” they chant.
    No no let me illustrate.
    Diagram of pregnant woman showing baby inside.
    Arrow pointing to woman “This is YOUR body”
    Arrow pointing to baby “This is someone else’s body”

  2. I am okey with women being a bunch of sluts, but, please, let prostitutes and their clients alone! The problem is this “liberated” femoids want to destroy professional harlots, who are much better women than them, by the way.
    They don´t fucking care about prostitutes, it is all about punishing us, the honest “johns”, who treat professionals like they are: like ladies.


  3. Oy vey, it started long before the 1960’s. Before 1900 there was no dating. There was courting, and a strict chaperone system. By 1920 that was gone. Women’s suffrage plays a huge role, originating in the same time period.

    By the 1950’s you had complete heathenism, the Jewish rock n’ roll culture, which the older people correctly called the devil’s music.

    By 1960 it was a wasteland.

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