Gaylord Richard Spencer & Nazbol Crew Now Say Whites Should Adopt Goat-Rape Religion

Spencer and his weird Nazbol crew just keep pushing the limits of kook-tier Duginism.

Their latest harebrained idea is that whites should all convert to Islam and start raping goats.

These are the musings of defeatists, folks.

They have previously posited various forms of submission and capitulation to our racial and political enemies, such as voting for the disgusting white-hating Heeb Bernie Sanders so he can put all of America’s white nationalists in jail.

This Islam conversion nonsense is just another expression of their desire to have us lie down and die.

This is racial cuckoldry of the highest order.

The traditionalism of Islam is no different than the traditionalism of Judaism. Why don’t we all convert to Judaism and become Jews?

This is some serious gaylord shit. Spencer has a female mind and from it comes the rape fantasy of Islamic conquest of our people.

We can have our own traditionalism without absorbing the seventh century ideas of a marauding pedophile named Muhammad who advocated first cousin marriages, goat-rape, limb-amputation for petty theft, the execution of apostates, among other barbaric monstrosities.

Spencer really is playing out his internalized mission of Duginism here. He has a genetic incentive to pursue this agenda through his mongrel children. This is what Dugin advocates, a fusion of Islam and Russian neo-Bolsehvism to resurrect a hybrid form of Ghengis Khan’s Mongol Dindu Empire.

There is no coherence to any of this, of course, as Spencer is himself an ally of homosexuals and their perversions.

Spencer and his libshit girlfriend would be the first to meet the firing squad under an Islamist dictatorship.

31 thoughts on “Gaylord Richard Spencer & Nazbol Crew Now Say Whites Should Adopt Goat-Rape Religion

  1. Islam is fully Arab. That is many people don´t get. They claim the bullshit of “Islam is not a race, is a religion, a religion for everybody” CRAP.
    Mohammed and his folowwers were Arab. PERIOD.

    Christ (Χριστός) was Greek. A Med white. man. And Christinity is the perfect religion for the white man. Malcom X was right rejecting Christianity as a good religion for the black man.
    We Med whites we should be proud about Christ being a Med white man.

    1. Most muslims arent even arab, and millions of whites in Albania, Bosnia and Russia are muslim. The prophet Muhammad himself was referred to as a white man in the Quran. Not to mention he called the blacks raisin heads and pug-nosed slaves. Muhammad was a based white guy who kept, gays, blacks and women in line.

      Fact is, Europeans need Islam more than anything. Thats why proud Germans like Himmler left Catholicism and had disdain for it and admired Islam as “a religion of poeple’s soldiers” and collected biography’s of the prophet. He also said that failed muslims invasions of Europe in the past had “deprived Europe of the flourishing spiritual light and civilization of Islam.”

      Europeans under Islam would be unstoppable.

      1. Mohammed was not black, neither was Med or Celt or Nod. Was ARAB.
        Islam is an ARAB religion for ARABS. Non Arab people who converted to islam became slaved by the ARAB.
        No way islam in Europe. We have enough with the Christianity-Paganism debate.
        Islamic Europe will be the servant of the Arab man. They trid many times.
        Islam is a total crap. For US. Is OK for THEM.

      2. I have read carefully the Koran and is percetly fine for primitive, camel flock, desert people. But the Koran lacks of the philosohical and spiritual heighths of the New Testament and even the Old Testament. Iy is just a good handbook for beduins. And we should respect it in that way.
        Islamic Europe would be the total loss of our identity and the metamorphosis into camel drivers. Not even the Med European people have something to do with that, not to speak about Slavs, Nords, Anglos, etc.

      3. indonesia is the largest muslim country

        sunni and shiites consider themselves seperate religions
        kharijites are the only undivided muslims sect
        then theres the different schools of the religion which are essentially the lower sects of sunnites or shiites

        all consider themselves seperate except the schools which are tied to either one of the above mentioned groups, the 1.6 billion muslim thing is a meme, you split it into quarters and thats a more accurate number of the muslim population, which means theres still more hindus dindus and catholics than there is muslims in the world.

    2. The house of David which was prophesied to have the Messiah was a house of Greeks?
      The modern Ashke-jews are a living heresy but what a load or crap man.

      1. The region of the Mediterranean Levant was heavily colonized by the Greeks since ages. Probably, according to HS Chamberlain, Galilea was the most heavily Greek colonized area in Levant. Galilea = land of the Gentile.
        Everything in the New Testament is very Greek, the language, to begin with. Of course, there are Jewish elements.

  2. In the beginning islam sounds good, because it is anti feminism and antisemitism, but islam want one world state where is no nations and races. and really, islam dont hate jews because they are jews, but they hate yews because they dont believe in prophet muhammad, when jew start to believing in prophet muhammad, he is muslim. same thing is with christianity, I dont understand why are so much WN christians.

    1. i support wignats but there system is still faulty, but i suppose its fine for americans
      irish monasteries for example promoted peace between brother nations, stop irish kings from killing each other etc,
      most conflict in europe was promoted by subversives and weak royalty, not the church usually they subversives would try to control the church and subvert it for their agendas, Not an easy task and it was always failing for them until 1870
      European royalty was weak and pathethic regardless of if royalism is the ideal system or not,
      most of it was because of intermarriage and interbreeding plus subversive groups getting into the royalty,
      meritocracy and tanistry produced much finer kings and princes than bloodline based, although it depends some bloodlines had multiple great kings but a meritocratic system would weed out the shit ones,

      dirty tactics were used during peoples peasent rebellion in france
      -nobles shill a peace agreement because they are afraid of being btfo
      – get the leader of the rebellion into an agreement with the king
      – then the rebel leader would be betrayed and assasinated by the filthy subversive royalty and their advisors, sometimes a rebel leader would catch on to the treachery and remove the subversives by force rather than be cornered and killed off in a cheap tactic, but usually they would be supplanted because of the subversives being married off to other subversives.

      alot of royalty were the nations worst own enemy from the inside
      this happened multiple times in england and france
      most of the time these rebel men wouldve made a better royal line, for example in england, the french wouldve been removed from the country and the other subversives wouldve been removed from france

    1. THE PLOT

      “What the West calls change in the policy of the USSR, is
      simply nothing further than a skilled propaganda for the
      necessities of the plan for world rule through the J3ws.
      Nothing has altered since the death of Stalin.”

    1. Estonian, this is an old debate. You take Galatians 3:28. What that versicle means is we all humans are equal in human dignity and we all are God´s children. That is right. Once we know that we should take another versicle, Acts 17.26.:
      “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.”

      But I undesrstand what you mean, and finally, I guess, we should get rid of Christianity, at least in political level. We can keep it in a Historic-Artistic way and in a sentimental very personal way. But for politics we should all go Pagan: Soil and Blood.

      1. Soil and Blood

        Soil and blood is very ‘down to earth’ good idea – but I think all the supernatural, occult stuff – and that includes the religions islam/christianity are a distraction and ultimately serve as the elite’s control mechanism for the masses, so we should separate those ‘movements’ from what we wish to achieve and not allow them to muddy the waters.
        The mainstream media brainwashes everyone, including the athiests and others who cannot or won’t think beyond the here and now.
        So we would do well to steer clear of the supernatural and simply base our struggle on securing a safe and prosperous environment for our ‘white race’.
        Anyway just a thought – Quibbling over religion is a distraction – bottom line is on our patch definitely no islam please.
        That is not extremist . . . it is a fair and reasonable comment.

    2. jehovah witnesses dont accept the trinity
      most christians including protestants accept the trinity

      the word for those types are shismatics, they cant go under the christian label even if they use the christian name for their sects

    3. Jehovah witness is a jewish masonic spin off that is 1800 after the Catholic church you dildo quality tester shill m, you and tank are truly dumb as post.
      “Save Europe
      Destroy Christianity”
      “Christianity is bad”
      You don’t suggest an alternative.

      They are synonymous and you are truly a satanic wingnut. By the way according to esoteric teaching the best way to see the light of Lucifer is to have anal sex, so lube up phagboi your Satan links are truly new age trash like you.

  3. Why Roman empire ended, because Christianity come, why viking age ended, because Christianity come.

    1. In statistics, the phrase “correlation does not imply causation” refers to the inability to legitimately deduce a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables solely on the basis of an observed association or correlation between them. Wikipedia

      Your a live one

    2. Estonian you are correct but arguing with Christian’s is a waste of time they love their rabbi Jesus and Pharisee St Paul. You can point out how full of shit the Bible is ,how the early christians were all Jewish revolutionaries preaching communism ect. They don’t care. A Christian anti semite is someone who claims to hate Jews while worshiping a dead rabbi who preached from the Talmud and taught in the Temple as a god. While claiming to eat his body and blood every Sunday even the Muslims aren’t that crazy.

      1. Ok, Eric, I accept all the Pagan/Nierzshan cristicism. What I don´t accept is the marxist cristicism neither this “we should all become muslims” nonsense.

        Said that. I we take the Pagan thing as a flag and a symbol for defending Europe, wich one we should take: odinism? wicca? slavic? greek-latin?
        The Cross still an umbrella symbol for all Europeans.

  4. Well, Islam is the last remnant of ethno centrist tribal doctrine that basicly every tribal group on earth practices or did practice at some point. So i can see that perspective. The stuff about incest/cousin marriage, boy diddeling and shit like that rather is the culture of the middle east region and non-islamic tribal groups like Yazeedy, or whatever that pissant sect was we were supposed to care about like five years ago, do it too.
    I don’t reject Islam because it threatens liberalism and shit like that, i simply reject it because its foreign and thats the start and end to it.

  5. roman empire lasted until 1870 in different forms

    the viking age ended because they were defeated by king brian boru in clontarf,
    an irish monk defeated them with a mercenary army in the isle of man, and then the english saxon king mauled them in a battle in the east of england, all happening in a space of a few years, the northern invaders were pushed back to the ice drifts, later on the incursion from the south was pushed back in the crusades, still the northerners were closer to europeans than the arab southerners

    1. These history tards don’t understand the Roman empire was strongest under a united Catholicism and their pagan Gerald Massey dildo brains wouldn’t understand that the problem happened when Jew enabler Luther finished it off with Masonic enabler Protestantism. Prior to that the schism of 1054 by Orthodoxy led directly to the Muslims ravanging the Eastern sees.

      There are trolls on here too busy lubing uo for their boy friends and posting Satan links tp actually read a book about oh say

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