Genocidal Communist American Democrats Seek to Disenfranchise White Business Owners & Businesses

By Philippe Armstrong

The coronavirus is in many ways what a Democrat led America will look like. Old Bernie wants you to become a property of the state under his totalitarianism. Their minions in Antifa will ramp up their crusades and attacks. The transformation will be violent and there will be a whole new raft of laws to suppress freedom. 

The Democrats would love to confiscate all weapons and private property would be confiscated and churches will fall into the hands of the state. With property firmly in the hands of the state, motivation and endeavor will finish. Each person will be assigned a duty to the state under heavy central control. 

The masses will toil to sustain a few elites. The oligarchs will live in comfort and the masses will live in poverty. Disarming the citizenry will be the first objective, followed by confiscation of property and businesses. Think that cannot happen in the United States? Well, it happened in Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Venezuela, Cambodia and many other places. Your business will be confiscated-you are a capitalist and the capitalists are the hated class.

This is being taught at Marxist universities all across the country. Business is hated-you will be re-educated, maybe in a camp for years. If you do not show enough enthusiasm for social justice causes and are not hardcore enough-you will be re-educated. 

Ex-President Obama started the decline into socialism. He was a figure in the globalist socialist cabal. He turned the military into an effeminate homosexual bastion and the military’s core mission became social justice, not a strong defence force. He purged the military of those who were not social justice warriors. He also spent the last six months of his presidency working on getting sexual deviants into the bathrooms of their choice. 

One thought on “Genocidal Communist American Democrats Seek to Disenfranchise White Business Owners & Businesses

  1. Socialdemocrats (center leftists) claimed for ages, in Europe, that they are as much in favor of private property and free enterprise as conservatives. That it is the communists and the anarchists (anarcosyndicalists, not ancaps, obviously) who are against such a concepts.
    In favor my ass,
    They are against private property and free enterprise via unbearable taxes (now in Spain, small businessmen and autonomous workers will have to pay taxes like nothing happened, with all the lock down and unabless to work and earn money)
    So, yes, they push unbearable taxes to the middle class and to the woking class (they claim to
    defend) and at the same time we have all these virtue signaling rich, very rich socialdemocrats (and commies, also) diverting their money to Panama and Switzerland, decapitalizing the country and paying ZERO taxes.
    Agains the private property of THE OTHERS.

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