George Soros Network: Global Parasite

Editor’s Note: It must always be stressed that George Soros is a Jew and is motivated primarily by his Jewish religion.

By Philippe Armstrong

George Soros is a mega billionaire who has been backing leftist causes in the United States and the rest of the world for many years. Soros has spent many billions on progressive activism. The list is a mile long. He propelled Obama to the White House and donates huge sums to anti-Trump smear tactics, backs Antifa, Black Lives Matter and the Southern Poverty Law Centre. The SPLC is a smear group who calls anyone right of a Trostkyite a Nazi or a bigot.  

George Soros is now steamrolling a one billion dollar university program called the Open Society University Network (euphemism for globalist open borders socialism). It will be a United Nations and other foreign bodies loving internationalist school. It will teach the collapse of borders and one world government. Teach students to be good little international socialists. Soros describes his proposed new university as upholding democracy and human rights. Soros actually  wants to curtail American sovereignty and other nations sovereignty and for nations to be subservient to international bodies. Soros is the owner of the Democratic Party. 

Soros’ agenda is: erosion of sovereignty and open borders, further encroachment from the UN, one world government. The Democrats will not say a thing, nor will the progressive left throughout the world. They like his money too much. Soros will continue to fund organisations that erode individual liberty, freedom and education. Soros produced Christine Blasey Ford, who provided accusations to Congress of an alleged sexual assault conducted by Kavanaugh. It is estimated Soros spent a billion dollars to block Brett Kavanaugh. Soros has been guilty of insider trading and manipulation of currencies. He is considered an economic war criminal by the Thai government as he instigated the Asian Financial Crisis. 

Soros is an old hand at promoting his agenda. He has donated more than $32 billion over the past 30 years to education and social causes or in plain English, brainwashing and leftism. He used his fortune to topple governments in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. (Matthew Vadum, Richardson Post). 

American institutions and values throughout America and the west are under relentless attack. Not from terrorists, but from the shadow party in George Soros. Soros wants to effect radical change in America. Obama implemented a lot of it. 

Americans are being greatly deceived by nice sounding words and ideas from Bernie  Sanders.  Bernie of course does not have any new ideas; they are simply recycled socialist planks renamed democratic socialism. Putting the word democratic in front of socialism does not make it better. Sanders’ plan would fine tune every detail of every citizen’s life. He wants the Department of Justice to pursue the fossil fuel industry. They would be tried and convicted under Sanders. 

Soros funds Antifa, Black Lives Matter and ranting feminist marchers designed to cause racial divide and class divisions. Antifa is prevalent at universities shutting down conservative speakers. The battle of ideas has largely evaporated from Western universities. Instead, universities are weaponizing identity politics, race, and economic classes for political goals. Universities have become incubators-left leaning socialist institutions with left teachings. Progressive activist groupthink rules. 

Antifa  decide which theories give them the license to shut down opposition. They decide which forms of expression are worthy and which are not.  Labelling anyone right of Vladimir Lenin a Nazi  is a daily occurence. Anyone not prescribing to their catechisms,  you are a deplorable person. They claim violence is  now self-defence, because  words are now deemed actual violent acts.  Antifa is a fascist movement using the  word anti-fascist to disguise its objectives.  They stage riots, incite riots and create street theatre all used to intimidate and to crush opponents.

A conservative gathering is called ultra-right or white supremacist so therefore shut it down. Right Wing-Watch has anything even remotely conservative (you know, those who believe in self-sufficiency,  limited government, responsibility,  don’t believe in dividing people by census categories and so on) as right wing. The Right Wing Watch group has Americans who simply believe in Western Judeo-Christian values on their watch list. Those who still think the sexes are two distinct separate categories, those who are Christian or believe lawful citizens can have a gun-on the Right Wing Watch list you go. Believe in traditional marriage-on the list you go. Don’t believe in public education-on the list you go. Or if you think parents are the guardian of their children and you think that abortion is actually resulting in dead babies, you made it on the list. 

Leftists and Marxists are using environmentalism as an all-encompassing quest to change society. They are using environmentalism to gain power. Eco-fascism is real and Marxists hope to scare children about climate change. They then hope to have a new world order of global governance. This has been admitted by UN officials,  Saikat Chakrabarti (Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff), and Mikhail Gorbachev advocated climate fear to install radical change. Climate alarmism is a Trojan horse. Dr Ottmar Edenhofer said the aim of climate change is to re-distribute the world’s wealth. Greta Thunberg, the left’s idol using words straight out of her Antifa parents’ mouth and the left’s manifesto:

The climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fuelled it. We need to dismantle them all. 

3 thoughts on “George Soros Network: Global Parasite

  1. “He is considered an economic war criminal by the Thai government as he instigated the Asian Financial Crisis.”

    Somebody should note here that his speculation against the Thai currency was possible because the totaly corrupt Thai Government was propping up its own bubble in the first place. So i care very little for what some corrupt nag-nag jungle chinks bitch and cry about when they created this mess in the first place.

    It is way more likely that Soros is the Emanuel Goldstein figure propped up by some foreign intelligence service that supplied him with insider information to become a billionare and now subvert the west and make it weak towards its enemies, while at the same time promote false opposition causes, of whom are all just useful idiots that get thrown away later. When was the last time you heard anything about “Black lives matter”.
    We need to bring back something like the commite for anti-american activities and denounce the citizenship of a few activists.

  2. At his age, Soros doesn`t have too much longer to go. Who will replace this scumbag when he finally croaks??

  3. Thanks for the comments. It is hoped that when Soros passes away that his family will not use the massive wealth he hands down to fund subversives.

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