Hate-Filled Jews Are Upset That People Think They Created the Coronavirus

Voices of the hate-filled Jewish race are complaining that a lot of people on the internet suspect that Jews created and released the coronavirus to crash the world economy, profit from insider trading, and then declare a Jewish world government from Jerusalem.

Times of Israel:

The coronavirus pandemic has upended the world. China instituted a lockdown on tens of millions of its people. Israel set drastic restrictions on workplaces and public gatherings. And the United States on Friday declared a national emergency, all in an attempt to contain the spread of the novel virus.

As the infectious disease — with no vaccine or specific cure — has spread across the globe, a new conspiracy theory has been brewing on the fringes of society: The Jews are behind it.

According to Alex Friedfeld, a researcher with the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) Center on Extremism, extremists began promulgating the notion in January that the coronavirus was created by a cabal of Jews, around the time the virus was first being detected.

“The most popular conspiracy theory is that Jews are using this virus as a means for profit,” Friedfeld told The Times of Israel. “They are saying Jews manufactured it and are going to take advantage of the markets collapse through insider trading.”

Such ideas have been percolating not only on extremist platforms like Telegram and Gab, he said, but through posts on mainstream platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, where memes and statements have been posted regularly.

“What’s interesting to me was I started to see these same conspiracy theories — and anti-Semitic ones in particular — pop-up on social media,” he said.

In some cases, these theories have also appeared on state-sponsored television networks, like in Turkey.

One guest on Turkish television said “Jews, Zionists have organized and engineered the novel coronavirus as a biological weapon just like bird flu” to “design the world, seize countries and neuter the world’s population.”

There’s no doubt that the leaders of the Jewish race are attempting to establish a global government. Many governments around the world have declared martial law, sent police and soldiers to the streets, and have quarantined their entire countries. This is what Jews want to do on a global scale where they can put out a single directive and have all the goyim quarantined.

They want to have the power to shut down the internet with a kill switch, to track down and arrest any non-Jew who criticizes the Jewish race online, and have that goy extradited to Israel where he will be executed in a public square. Jews want to institute global Talmudic Noahide laws which dictate that a non-Jew who criticizes Jews must be put to death, that a non-Jew who doesn’t do what Jews tell him to do is put to death.

Maybe the coronavirus is one such Jewish bio-weapon to attack world populations. Who the hell knows. But what we do know is that these crafty Hebraics will utilize the panic caused by this pandemic to make money and implement draconian laws prohibiting the assembly and speech rights of non-Jews.

26 thoughts on “Hate-Filled Jews Are Upset That People Think They Created the Coronavirus

  1. Los judíos son lo peor que le ha pasado a la humanidad. Son tan asquerosos que ni siquiera su dios Yahveh (Lucfer) los quiere. En el antiguo Testamento (Tanaj), Yahveh se refiere a ellos como “un nido de víboras” y llama al pueblo de Israel “La ramera de Israel”. Yahveh compara a Sodoma y Gomorra con Israel y dice que Sodoma era santa comparada con las aberraciones que hacia el pueblo de Israel.

  2. They were also accused of poisoning the wells and drinking water sources during the Bubonic plague-the ‘Black Death’ of the mid 14th. century in Europe.

    1. Holy shit I cannot believe you guys are this fucking stupid. No, Jews did not create the fucking Coronavirus. I shouldn’t have to tell you this.

      1. Didn’t you know? According to these folks, 0.2% of the world (of which 2% are of the American population) controls everything, yet white Gentiles and the rest of the world are too powerless to resist the hypnotic powers of this devilish minority. The problem with the alt-right is it resembles the sjw left way too much with its lack of accountability and extreme collectivism. Yes, some collectivism is necessary for a nation state, but if you blame every problem on everyone else and if you group paroled tattooed white trash together with white geniuses and aristocrats, then you’re taking it to the extreme.

        1. “According to these folks, 0.2% of the world (of which 2% are of the American population) controls everything”

          Two percent is more than enough to occupy all the necessary positions to control the political narrative of a country. You could probably do with 0.5 % as well.

          “The problem with the alt-right is it resembles the sjw left way too much with its lack of accountability and extreme collectivism.”

          Jews have the biggest obsession with collectivism… Yet here you are crying out loud as you try to strike us.

          “but if you blame every problem on everyone else”

          This is another striking attempt while you are crying in innocence because blaming and shaming others is a Jew’s bread and butter. Hence the countless smears of ‘anti-semite’ or ‘holocaust denier’ when people like you are trying to avoid an argument.

          Without trying to be biased I personally things there is a lot of introspection in the Alt-right. None is denying the problem our women have created for us and we also regularly call out white race traitors who sold us out to Jews.

        2. No te hagas pendejo, pinche judío asqueroso, parásito inmundo, si yo tuviera el dinero y el poder que ustedes tienen, haría lo que ustedes le hacen a todos los pueblos que invaden, compraría el 95% de todos los medios de comunicación israelíes y en tan sólo 1 semana destruiría a toda tu raza de parásitos con mi propaganda anti judía, en 1 semana yo tendría a las mujeres hebreas fornicando con todos los pueblos del mundo y tendría a los hombres judíos cortándose sus penes y haciendo cosas degeneradas.
          Ustedes son tan degenerados que ni tu propio dios Yahveh los quiere. Tu dios te odia al igual que todos los pueblos del mundo.

        1. Doesn’t change the fact I’m American and you’re Second World at best, Slavic Mongoloid hybrid trash lol

          1. Why should any white Christian listen to you, jew? Christ said that your father is the father of lies and that jews were murderers from the start because your father is the Devil. So, anything you say is a lie, because you can’t help it. You can hate Christians all you want, but you know that you are the goat people, and the goat people are going in the Lake of Fire! So go and peddle your lies somewhere else!

            1. Which of your neighbors taught you that in the trailer park? You mean ethnically Hebrew Jesus, Mary, Joseph, disciples, and Paul?

            1. What do you have against us Americans?
              You man enough to say where you live?
              Better than the pussy and shithole countries you’re from.

              1. I’m from Ireland prick. And my comment was directed at the kike so why don’t you but out of it yank. While Ireland may not have the biggest army of niggers and white trailer trash ever to serve the state of Israel we have a higher standerd of living than most Americans.

                1. I’ll defend my country when potato nigs like you try to put it down. Ireland isn’t a poor country, but it’s a tiny crowded country with a cucked population and high cost of living. Immigrants are swarming to get over here, not there. Most of your potato refugees came here in the past. If you enjoy paying $20 a gallon for gas and an arm and leg for everything, go ahead, dumb faggot. You’ll always be slaves to the British anyway lmao

      2. Anna, go back to the kitchen antes de que te amarre de los pies y de las manos, te de cachetadas y nalgadas y te ordene a que me llames papi.

            1. Our spokesman Nick was born in the United States as were his parents, so he is an American. His father’s half Mexican. Nick has never hidden that he has some “Afro-latino” heritage and his DNA result showed he’s about 20% nonwhite. That doesn’t change what he stands for and what he’s achieved so far.
              When Trump was running for President, Nick was an obscure college student who was barely noticed on the net. Today, he’s probably the loudest and most known nationalist voice among millennials and zoomers.
              Weren’t you born in Canada? Why are you pro-Spain but not as patriotic about Canada? Because Canada is cucked?
              What are your DNA results?
              There’s a Wikipedia article about him. Is there one for you?

              1. Nick has never hidden that he has some “Afro-latino” heritage and his DNA result showed he’s about 20% nonwhite.

                So this part Afro-Latino civic nationalist with tons of black, chinese, and Jewish-Zionist friends and who hangs out with homosexual catboys will save America and the white race?

                Today, he’s probably the loudest and most known nationalist voice among millennials and zoomers.

                And he achieved that by not having a job, living in his parent’s basement, and just spamming videos on jewtube every day. Then everyone was kicked off of jewtube except him because he largely avoided the controversial issues and just talked about Trump all day. Essentially, he’s just a self-promoting spam artist and managed to attract a following of gamers and other teenagers living with their parents.

                What are your DNA results?

                100% European. Iberian/Eastern European.

                There’s a Wikipedia article about him. Is there one for you?

                Justin Bieber also has a Wikipedia page. And again we come back to your asinine benchmark of popularity/publicity. You are like some weird Jew who is studying marketing in college right now.

                Do you have a Wikipedia page? If I’m a “nobody” then you’re even more of a nobody. So you really have no leg to stand on here, Jew cripple.

                1. I’m not the one who’s been trying to make a name for myself since 2008 when I was in elementary school. YOU have and you’re 30 and what have you accomplished?
                  This website with a few fat freaky slob and mad boomer groupies who donate to help you pay your lot space rent?

                  You may have made a few ripples, but Nick has made a huge splash in the past 4 years that subsumed anything you did in the past 12. Instead of belittling him, you should learn from him and ask him to debate you to boost your ratings.

                  And according to Zogbot, pussyass, you’re a Marrano and you haven’t taken them to court on that allegation for some bizarre reason. Jews are known for changing their names for their personal benefit, so post proof that you aren’t a Jew or stfu ZANDER C FUERZA AKA BRANDON MARTINEZ

                  1. Who in the fuck cares if your leader Nick Fuentes or whoever else is more popular or whatever the fuck it is?! Have you seen how Brandon looks and how he writes? Most guys wish they could look like him and write like he does. He’s probably the hottest alt-right papi there is. Nick is a total geek next to him.

                  2. I’m not the one who’s been trying to make a name for myself since 2008 when I was in elementary school.

                    Because you’re a talentless pimple-faced teenager with no skills other than playing Call of Duty. All you’ve ever accomplished is giving virtual blowjobs to Nick Fuentes and Ben Shapiro.

                    but Nick has made a huge splash in the past 4 years that subsumed anything you did in the past 12.

                    Nick can thank people like me for blasting out the truths about Jews on the internet when it wasn’t popular and was very risky to do so. He learned everything from reading the anti-Jew content that many more astute people than him put out selflessly when it was unpopular to do so. He came around in 2016 grifting on Trump’s coattails. Everything he has he owes to Trump, basically. Prior to Trump he was nothing.

                    All he did was log into the internet in the year 2016, read our material, and then rant his ass off on a jewtube show. And, he largely avoids the controversial issues so he can sustain his Jewish platforms. Really, not that impressive. Like many Zoomers he’s tech-savvy and relies on gay Jewish marketing techniques to get his face everywhere. His mixed messages really just serve to confuse and misdirect the audience. He’s too cowardly to clearly state where he stands on issues like race and Jews because he seeks the approval of non-whites and some homosexual Jews like Milo, hence his embrace of beastly Zionist shill Alex Jones.

                    And according to Zogbot, pussyass, you’re a Marrano and you haven’t taken them to court on that allegation for some bizarre reason.

                    You are a retard. Why the hell would I waste my time, energy and money taking some obscure Christian Identity kook website to court because they wrote some seriously retard-tier shit about me? Really, only weak fags or Jews sue people for nonsense like that. Only sub-saharan-IQ morons like you would take a site like that seriously.

                    Now go give Fuentes another blowjob, faggot.

  3. I had my twitter banned just a week ago because of questioning the Israeli involvement in this virus by a well coordinated group of these satanic talmudists, I even have photos of each of these people telling their kosher mob friends to file false abuse reports which is the equivalent of targeted harassment. (Ironically it was what twitter wrongly removed my account for.)

    These ovendodging ashkenazi schizoids are working non stop to censor even the smallest form of criticism to cover up their involvement in this corona spread. Especially the ones that were at AIPAC in DC and bringing their Ebola/HIV super hybrid virus back to New York, PA, Ohio (Where I reside), ETC.

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