International Women’s Day is a Sick Joke on Humanity

This risible “International Women’s Day” is a sick joke that should be abolished.

Why does the world need to dedicate an entire day, and the entire month of march, to venerating women simply because they have smelly yeast-infected vaginas?

Since being “liberated” from their principle duty of being mothers and caretakers, women have achieved absolutely nothing besides inculcate entropy in Western societies.

And they’re celebrating their devious accomplishment of destroying the white race every 8th of March with massive outdoors protests where blue-haired land whales and dykes screech about their sacred vagina holes.

This neo-marxist female power ideology is being promoted to little girls in grade school. I’ve personally seen girls as young as 8 and 9 wearing “Femme Power” t-shirts. And they wear these shirts proudly to school and have no issues doing so, yet if a boy wore a shirt that said “Man Power” he’d be harshly reprimanded, forced to take off the shirt, or suspended.

Neo-marxism has infected all of the Western world’s major learning institutions and is drip-fed to the student body. They start it early during primary school and then up the dosages in high school and university. Women gleefully eat up this ideology because it panders to their infantile emotions and feelings, promising to make them queens of society in a satanic matriarchy.

These bloodsucking harpies have established hellish matriarchies throughout many Western countries, the worst example being Spain where there are literal courts exclusively to judge men for “gender violence”. Gender violence in Spain includes farting at or insulting your partner. If you call a fat bitch a fat bitch, you can go to prison in Spain.

That’s where we’re at, folks.

The total degeneration of everything that was once good, righteous and pure, now totally eradicated because some dingbat females got brainwashed by hook-nosed demonic Jews.

7 thoughts on “International Women’s Day is a Sick Joke on Humanity

  1. Wahmen’s rights must be crushed and wahmen must be property of their fathers then their husbands again.

  2. Yes these “women’s marches” need to be shutdown. I wonder because of the coronavirus, why aren’t they being stopped or are they?

    You really can predict what these marches will be about: hating white men, nignog and Islamic wahmen bitching about stuff, etc.

  3. Yes, more evidence of debauched neo-Marxist filth of the West. They are a baying mob thirsty for blood. They are degenerate nothings who are weak minded, largely due to their femodyke professors and Marxists at colleges. They are unvirtuous and sheer ugliness on display.

  4. The method and fake ideas he uses. For. The. Reconquista of western culture is not going to work. It will only be worse. I don’t think he really knows what Culture entails. Yes, these leftists are inspired by marxism which wants to destroy the West , that we can all agree on. Going to another extreme is not the right way. He sounds more like a Nazi than anybody else. Nazism, Islamism and Communism are three demonic ideologies which only want destruction first and then taking over the world.

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