Italy: Nigerian Mafia Controls Entire Coastal Town to Run its Operations

The Nigerian mafia has taken over an entire coastal town in Italy to run its operations.

This is the dystopian future that Europe awaits.

As white flight intensifies, these Africans will begin conquering the abandoned cities and establishing their criminal headquarters.

Nigerian prostitution is big business for these mafias. And they are aided and abetted by white feminist women who refuse to have sex with white men because neo-marxist ideology tells them to only have sex with dark-skinned men from the dark continent.

That Italian town mentioned in the video, Castel Volturno, is populated entirely by illegal African migrants.


According to Camorra’s opponent Roberto Saviano, in the 2000s Castel Volturno is said to have been “completely handed over” to foreign clans by the Camorra, namely “clans from Lagos and Benin City” – for the purpose of cocaine trafficking and for the transit of Prostitutes to the whole of Europe. Despite the dominance of the Nigerian mafia clans, ecclesiastical institutions, including the Commune of the Comboni missionaries, organize a social and moral alternative to the clans. Many crimes were prevented or clarified by members of African immigrants. Saviano considers Castel Volturno to be a city of the future as it is controlled and managed by immigrants – so anti-criminal forces should be supported.

In contrast, claimed a television reportage of Spiegel TV, citing the Italian journalist Sergio Nazarro, that the development of African crime clans on the model of the Camorra first used in Italy. According to him, the place is the epicenter of the Nigerian mafia, “since the Italian mafia increasingly invested in legal industries, where it washes their billions.”[7] In fact, according to a Spiegel report from 2019, young women from Nigeria, not last also from the parents, pushed to prostitution in Italy respectively Castel Volturno. On a woman, who then refused on the spot, an example was made. There is a climate of fear due to the Nigerian gangs around, so that many prostitutes are intimidated and would not go to the police.[8]

Allowing these dirty Africans to take over whole towns demonstrates our weakness as Europeans. We are all too comfortable to make a serious move against the invasion. That would require real-world physical action, and not many of our people are willing to take that risk.

Our governments certainly won’t do anything to stop this colonization because they’re invested in making it happen. They want this. They want much more of it. The current rulers of Europe want black people to completely replace white people on the continent so they can institute a technocratic regime where a select few Jewish oligarchs exert totalitarian control over a deracinated plebeian mass of mulatto mutt people.

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