Jewish Ringleader Exhorts the National Guard to Protect Jews from White Nationalists & Coronavirus

It seems that this chosenite believes that US forces like the National Guard have one duty and one duty alone: to protect Jews from their enemies.

Jerusalem Post:

Jewish philanthropist and World Jewish Congress president Ronald Lauder called on the National Guard to protect Jewish New Yorkers on Tuesday after the FBI reported that neo-Nazis and white nationalists who are looking to infect Jews and policemen with the novel coronavirus.

“We’ve learned from the FBI that neo-Nazis and white nationalists are roaming the streets of New York and surrounding communities looking to infect Jews and policemen with the potentially lethal coronavirus by spitting on their faces. This grotesque tactic is a stark reminder that though this pandemic is new, antisemitism — history’s oldest disease — is not,” said Lauder. “When the National Guard is activated in New York to address the pandemic, some servicemembers should be placed in Jewish neighborhoods to prevent the purposeful infection of Jewish New Yorkers. Immediate action is needed to protect the vulnerable from antisemitic violence.”

ABC News recently obtained a FBI report stating that white supremacist groups across the United States are promoting their members to spread the coronavirus to members of the Jewish community as well as police officers.

“Members of extremist groups are encouraging one another to spread the virus, if contracted, through bodily fluids and personal interactions,” according to the FBI. ABC News reported that messages disseminated between the groups encourage their members to use “spray bottles” filled with infectious body fluids in order to attack police – with regards to the Jewish community, they instrcuted their members to travel to “any place they may be congregated, to include markets, political offices, businesses and places of worship.”

“From pushing the idea that Jews created the coronavirus virus to sell vaccines to encouraging infected followers to try to spread the illness to the Jewish community and law enforcement, as the coronavirus has spread, we have observed how white-supremacists, neo-Nazis and others have used this to drive their own conspiracy theories, spread disinformation and incite violence on their online platforms,” said Michael Masters, head of Secure Communities Network, told ABC News.

Oh shut the fuck up, will ya?

These Jews just never stop whining.

These eagle-beaked Heebs are unironically eliciting the protection of the National Guard because some white nationalists were shit-posting on Telegram about coronavirus.

Meanwhile, Jews live in their gated communities where they’re safeguarded from this virus. It’s the white goyim who have to live in big multicultural cities that Jews established as the graveyard for the white race. It is largely white people who are contracting and dying from this chink virus while these Jews find ways to make money off it, like producing COVID-19-themed smut.

I’m starting to wonder if these Jews are purposefully trying to incite another pogrom with their interminable public whining about “threats” that they created themselves by trying to eliminate the white race through the promotion of immigration and feminism.

Nobody likes to hear Jews whine so if any drastic measure needs to be taken during this Chinese Virus nonsense it would be putting all the Jews on chartered flights to Tel Aviv.

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