Mexico: Feminist Terrorist Throws Molotov Cocktail at Police, Sets Other Femdykes on Fire

Feminists are the new ISIS terrorists, folks. They are waging a ruthless insurgency to establish Global Matriarchy.

These femdyke terrorists can’t even throw a molotov cocktail far enough to reach their opponents.

Look how weak and incompetent they are.

And these are the people who think they can take political power and establish a dictatorship whereby they oppress men? For how long will that last?

The only way that feminists can exert power is by getting male traitors to enforce their satanic system over other men. That’s what we have today in the West, a bunch of pussified cucks oppressing other men using the police and courts.

Nature will always bring everything back to reality, though. These terrorist dykes will eventually destroy themselves, die of drug overdoses, or do a murder-suicide with their dyke lovers.

All feminists are depressive, bipolar and mentally unwell. Eventually they will all kill themselves and the world will be a better place.

3 thoughts on “Mexico: Feminist Terrorist Throws Molotov Cocktail at Police, Sets Other Femdykes on Fire

  1. “Feminists are the new ISIS terrorists, folks.”

    Nigger are you daft.

    ISIS made its own weapons and tanks these hoes can’t even make a sandwich.

  2. Men here, stop whinning about femcunts and longing for tradcon women. This is tradcon truth: naked, not like in Western Europe or North America where is dressed up:

    I respect it, deeply. It is just, modestly, I think is better to “pay as you go” than having a “contract”. You know. Especially considering that such a “contracts” are a total scam.

    But you want to be hubbies and dads… good luck! You are going to need it.

    1. Yeah boyz, man-up, get married. And the day your “significant other” find out she has a cancer or something, she’ll divorce-rape you and waste all your hard-earned money fucking random strangers because it makes her feel alive, YOLO, whatever women use as an excuse to be total sluts.

      The husband of this skank is an idiot, IMO. He should have smother the bitch first time she got cancer.
      When patients will lethal ilnesses die suddenly, nobody cares because it’s expected.
      That’s how a man love and commitment is rewarded. Not always, but often.

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