Moslem Convert Mike Peinovich is Very Concerned About His Brothers in Iran

Mike Peinovich, a Jewish convert to Islam, is very concerned about the coronavirus that is sweeping Iran.

As usual, Moslem Mike blames America for Iran’s woes.

It couldn’t possibly be that Iranians are insane religious fanatics who go around licking shrines to deliberately contract the coronavirus.

No, only Zionists would say that.

That video you just saw of Iranians licking relics in coronavirus-infected religious shrines in a deliberate attempt to contract the virus is clearly just CGI created by the Zionist regime to besmirch the Great Aryan Nation of Iran.

New York Post:

By sacrificing public health to politics, the clerical regime turned Iran into a coronavirus bomb exploding across the Middle East. When the epidemic broke out, Tehran failed to cut, limit or even supervise contacts with China. As always, ordinary Iranians have been the main victim of the Islamist regime’s incompetence and psychopathic indifference toward its own citizens.

Beginning in late January, social media reported cases of the virus in Iran, especially in the holy city of Qom. Rather than taking action, the regime issued denials and accused the individuals who reported the problem of “spreading rumors.” The result one month later is an official death toll of 77, likely massively understated, while the country’s deputy health minister admitted to testing positive for coronavirus the day after a news conference at which he sweatily insisted the situation was under control.

No, no, bigot! Zionist! Neocon! It’s the American sanctions! It’s not the incompetence of Islamic retards who don’t even believe in viruses.

Moslem Mike Peinovich needs to put his money where his mouth is and go lick that god-damn relic.

He needs to trust in the beneficent Allah, like his Iranians brothers have done, and fearlessly put his tongue where thousands of hands have touched. Only then will he truly feel the warm embrace of Almighty Allah.

Allahu Akbar!

2 thoughts on “Moslem Convert Mike Peinovich is Very Concerned About His Brothers in Iran

  1. I’m not sure on this on at all. I first heard that the novel coronavirus was spread because Iran was using Chinese workers or something.
    He really needs to spend time around these people, there are tons in my area in Canada and they are bringing that nasty disease in here more than the Chinese Canadians. At least they understand to wear a mask when they think they are sick.

    Also, why do these nazbol types always give such passes to these Russia aligned countries?
    Flashback to 2009 when H1N1 broke out of Mexico you know he would be blaming every Mexican and everyone going there. Why not this way.

  2. Iranians are very diseased with high rates of STDs. Their overpopulated urban centers also create ideal conditions for plagues to spread. These people don’t need US Sanktions, meaning the refusal of the vest to share his hightech creations in exchange for crude oil and plastic with them, to get sick and die.

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