PEAK LEFTISM: Moslem Cleric Addresses Bernie Sanders Rally in Arabic

This scene epitomizes the Bernie Sanders campaign: a foreign dindu speaking in a foreign language.

Yes, indeed, stupid goyim.

Bernie will ensure that Taliban clerics teach progressive Americans lessons about justice and equality.

Leftist white women respect the Taliban elders when it comes to women’s rights.

The Taliban love and cherish women. Burying them in the ground and hurling rocks at their head until they bleed to death is just one of the many ways that the Taliban cherish women.

Another way that they cherish women is by caning them.

Feminist white women who support Bernie Sanders understand that in Islam women are respected and treated as equals, much more so than woman-hating misogynisitic white men.

Islam, progressivism and feminism are a match made in Londonistan.

One thought on “PEAK LEFTISM: Moslem Cleric Addresses Bernie Sanders Rally in Arabic

  1. All the candidates in 2020 are pretty bad, but if you want to combat the Jewish lobby and plutocrats, you should back Bernie over Joe. Unlike Joe (or Trump), Bernie wants a more neutral relationship with Israel and raise taxes on the richest Americans and corporations. Unfortunately, he’s still a socialist and while he was critical of mass immigration in the past, he seems to go back and forth on the topic now. Unlike you, I want to build bridges instead of burning them, and I know some of the Bernie bros are populists at heart and more on our side. They, along with the Charlie Kirk cuckservative types, should be looked to as allies against the left and globalist right.

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