Russian Gold Digger Advises Women to Dump Any Man Who Doesn’t Pamper Them

That’s right, pay pigs.

If you don’t treat your “lady” like a princess, purchasing her the most expensive gifts and paying for her expensive travel, then you’re a cheap bastard who deserves to die in loneliness.

Just listen to this Russian gold digger tell us so.

Yeah, ladies, if a guy doesn’t pay for your uber ride home, then he’s a dirtbag – dump him!

If he puts you in economy class on a flight, then he’s a selfish prick – dump him!

Right, but these gold-digging slut women who expect a man to pay for all her shit are not selfish cunts, right stupid fuckheads? Only the man is selfish when he refuses to pay for her lavish nonsense.

Of course, there is no expectation put on the woman to do anything for the man, other than suck his penis once in a blue moon, right?

God damn these women are pathetic. They are dangerously obsessed with material possessions, wealth, opulence… there’s almost nothing else to them beyond an insatiable lust for being pampered and treated like a queen. This is modern female greed in a nutshell, folks.

This particular harlot runs a “lifestyle academy” for women where she trains them to be gold diggers. Essentially, all she does is show them where to get nice clothes and how to do their makeup so that a high-status millionaire stud will take notice of them. Gold digger academies are actually widespread in Russia.

These women are parasites, folks. They don’t want to actually work for a living, so they just sex-up their image to gain access to some man’s money.

And you wonder why the dating market is so fucked up when you have gold diggers running academies teaching women how to swindle men?

The fact is that this gold-digging scam is pretty much the only option for attractive women. Attractive women are mostly complete retards, so they have no skills to contribute to the workforce. For this reason they must fall back entirely on securing a high-status male through harlotry.

Fucking useless whores.

6 thoughts on “Russian Gold Digger Advises Women to Dump Any Man Who Doesn’t Pamper Them

  1. wtf “high-quality women” even stands for!?
    hahah This was so funny video! The arrogance! 😀 Imagine someone buying you economy flight tickets for you to travel around!?

  2. That is why Western bitches HATE so much Russian women, because they can be gold diggers, but they are honest about it, and they are not feminists. They are very pro male. And they always want the man to know.
    This woman is transparent, there is no a single gram of hypocrisy in her.
    Russian women kick ass. They can be very attractive and very skilled and they don´t brag about it.

  3. Bloody hell! a shag with this lady can costs you (indirictly) let´s say… 3000€? at least.

    A shag with a similar woman, costs you 150€. And you can be a gentleman bringing a box of chocolates, and you don´t have to put up with all the bullshit. Here is the proof:

    Then, you can go back home relaxed and not worrying about being “cheap”. On the way home you stop in a popular bar and you eat a “bocadillo de calamares” (“poor boy” sanwich) with a beer.

    And then, one in home, you scratch your ball on the sofa while watching an ice hockey match.
    Life is good.

  4. But when Russian women get older, you have no idea what kind of monsters they transform into. At least the oned that come here on vacations. Fat, noisy, obnoxious, always grumpy with ill-mannered children. But maybe there are upper-class, more aristocratic Russians who behave like real ladies, idk.
    Modern culture instructs us women to NEVER ever want anything from a man, because you might pressure him too much and lose him. But financial independence makes you even more emotionally demanding. The friends I’ve had have told me many times: “I would never dare to ask my bf for a present like you do!” What? We had average income normal boyfriends, we were not materialistic, we weren’t asking for diamonds and Moon-trips, women should stop being accused of gold-digging! They get mostly scolded by other women for that, ffs! This way of thinking is what leads us towards tribalism, hedonism, and so forth. The few boyfriends I’ve had were more than happy I was honest and open about things I wanted. It’s better than expecting him to treat you well but secretly, because women are taught they must make their men think it was their decision to give a present, for e.g., otherway you would pressure him or be labelled as “materilistic”. But this is a fear-instilling way of seeing a relationship with your life partner. If I wanted this, wouldn’t I be going out with someone who had more “materials”? Hahahaha, I see how the less you have, the more you treasure it.
    I don’t need to watch the video to know this woman is pushing buttons for views and thus profit. And I get the feeling you do it, too.
    Guys, a gold-digger mesns s.o. who digs for gold. If you’re not rich, don’t delude yourselves. You say you want a feminine housewife, but then proclaim that a woman must go even-stevens with the bills, the rent, the income – like a roommate! You detest feminists, then get lured into a culture who teaches men to be afraid of women, because they’re all gold-diggers. Girls always told me they don’t manipulate like smart women who get what they want, but at the same time hated those women (I can’t think of one, even) so much. Guys, on the other hand, are more frank and brave to tell the truth. I have a few male friends from childhood and they’ve all told me if they were in my place, they would’ve been gold-diggers. One of them even told me once sth like: “If I were you, I would play with every bastard out there, drive them mad, take everything they had and fuck them up”, hahaha. That was somehow meant to comfort me after a breakh-up, hah
    Don’t you see? We are petted against eachother and on the pedestal a dollar has been put – just a note, a piece of paper, materials, gold even – it’s nothing! Human-to-human relation has been replaced by fear of losing the sacred dollar bill and the fear of mariage, family, moral values, compassion, bravery – everything is designed to keep us in our own bubbles, waiting for death, scared of our neighbour even! And it’s not just a Heeb agenda, we’re all accountable, we all contribute by not taking any risk or even speaking freely and honestly about anything anymore!
    Men are abusers, women are whores – where does it all end – divide and conquer. And the dividing has reached the single individual, the family unit is almost gone… And a mass of single different in their own way individuals becomes what? A homogenous brainless easy to control horde. Every man for himself, right…

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