Stupid Jew Lover Boris Johnson Caught the Chinese Virus

The Prime Minister of England, Boris Johnson, has caught the Chink Virus.

A lot of people don’t know that Boris caught another virus a long time ago: philosemitism.

The mind virus known as philosemitism has been plaguing Boris for years now. That virus is much more deadly than corona because it causes your brain to develop a totally unrestrained and inexplicable love of the Jewish race, even though that race is causing the downfall of the planet.

Johnson’s philosemitism virus has forced him to perform political fellatio on Jews every chance he gets, demanding that the rest of his countrymen do the same or face fines and even prison. The philosemitic mind virus causes people to cast away all reason and insert a Jewish penis in their mouths or up their rectums.

Times of Israel:

Johnson’s maternal great-grandfather, Elias Avery Lowe, was a Moscow-born Jew born to a textile merchant. Johnson confirmed this in a 2007 interview for the Jewish Chronicle.

“I feel Jewish when I feel the Jewish people are threatened or under attack, that’s when it sort of comes out,” Johnson said. “When I suddenly get a whiff of anti-Semitism, it’s then that you feel angry and protective.”

Boris needs some seriously aggressive treatment to cure him from philosemitism. One way to cure him is by strapping him down in a chair and forcing him to read every single article on this website. Once he has internalized the message that Jews are scoundrels trying to destroy the planet, and above all the white race, then I expect him to send me a big fat donation so I can continue my work exposing the satanic doings of this tribe.

22 thoughts on “Stupid Jew Lover Boris Johnson Caught the Chinese Virus

  1. I can understand why you people dislike blacks, hispanics, Muslim Arabs, transgenders, and social justice warriors but what makes Jewish libs worse than other liberals again?

    My girlfriend is Jewish (mistaken for white all the time so probably mixed with European), but she’s pro-Trump and comes from a Republican military family that’s served our country since World War I. You guys can call me a race traitor all you want, but I don’t mind mixing with her and she’s more patriotic than you will ever be.
    We have a lesbian couple on our block who are both veterans and have a Trump sign in front of their house.

    If somebody is America first and fights to preserve the traditional American nation, I don’t give a damn about his or her race, religion, or sexual orientation.

    I disagree with Charlie Kirk on immigration but if forced to choose between the Republican establishment and the alt-right, I’m going with the establishment because alt-right extremism is creepy and a threat to our constitutional republic.

    That’s why the alt-right will never catch on outside its tiny clique. If we become full socialist like Venezuela, maybe the alt-right will be the lesser evil but even then we’ll look toward an American version of Putin instead of Richard Spencer.

    In the fight against the left, you people are the absolute last resort for most white people.

    Sorry if that hurts your feelings, but the truth doesn’t care about your feelings.

    1. but what makes Jewish libs worse than other liberals again?

      Because nearly all Western Jews are “liberals” only for white countries whilst they support Israel for the Jewish race. Which means that they’re not true liberals, they are just pretending to be liberals to fuck up goy socitieties whilst protecting their own with strident racial nationalism. Also, Jews run most things and use their power to fuck up goy societies.

      My girlfriend is Jewish

      Explains your pro-Jew stance. You’ve pedestalized a Jewish vagina and so you shill hard for the Jewish race as a whole.

      but she’s pro-Trump and comes from a Republican military family that’s served our country since World War I.

      She’s probably pro-Trump because Trump grabs his ankles for Israel and has a hard-on for Jews. If he didn’t, she probably wouldn’t like him. The Jews who like Trump only like him for that reason and no other. There are more American Jews in the Israeli military than the American one. Jews are jews/israelis first and second, Americans last.

      We have a lesbian couple on our block who are both veterans and have a Trump sign in front of their house.

      Dykes should not be welcome in the US military. And again, supporting Trump as a litmus test is gay. Trump is a light-weight nationalist, basically a liberal nationalist like you who thinks that anyone can be an American, including sub-saharan apes, so long as they wave the flag.

      If somebody is America first and fights to preserve the traditional American nation, I don’t give a damn about his or her race, religion, or sexual orientation.

      That’s because you’re a liberal and you go to bed with a Jew.

      That’s why the alt-right will never catch on outside its tiny clique.

      The alt-right is already a household name in most countries. We’re far from a tiny clique. We’re gaining ground everyday.

      If we become full socialist like Venezuela, maybe the alt-right will be the lesser evil but even then we’ll look toward an American version of Putin instead of Richard Spencer.

      Who is this “we” that you keep referring to? Do you speak for all Americans and all white people? Why have I never heard of you before if you’re such a grand leader of white people?

      In the fight against the left, you people are the absolute last resort for most white people.

      I don’t understand why you claim to be part of a “fight against the left” when you are part of it. You’re a liberal multiculturalist, Jew-lover and race-mixer. The only right-wing movement you could be a part of is the Zionist movement in Israel, maybe… certainly not any movement of white people.

      1. Martinez,

        What about American Jews who served in past wars? Most Jews are Democrats no doubt but not all are. That’s the point.

        I shill for my country as you should for Canada. Most people typically shill for God and country first. You should try it sometime.

        Why does it matter if a policewoman or soldier is a lesbian as long as she qualifies and is protecting you?

        You keep mentioning my relationship with my girlfriend (most people see Jews as white which is why they were never subject to Jim Crow and apartheid by the way). Are you implying you never dated or slept with a girl who was not pure white? Doubtful for most here excluding the incels of course. Even Richard Spencer and Andrew Anglin have dated outside the race.

        Antifa’s a household name. How big are they? You’re gaining? What have you done outside failed protests like Charlottesville?

        Trump supporters are liberals if we aren’t full alt-right now? That’s like saying anyone who wants to raise taxes on the rich is a socialist. Try again.
        We’re part of the right whether you like it or not as are the libertarians, neocons, paleocons, moderate conservatives, populists, blue dog Democrats, Putinists, etc. It’s called a big tent for a reason and in spite of our disagreements we need it to battle the big tent of the left, but if you want to stay out of it and try to form a futile counter movement, be my guest.

    2. yuppie,
      My particular take on the matter is, as far as I’m concerned, is you just free as a bird to have a Jewish girlfriend and to do whatever you wish with her including having children. And lesbians that you have on your block can have all the Trump’s signs that they want in their yard.

      What about us? What if we don’t wish to be indoctrinated into your philosophies and wish to be left alone? Were not offered that right. Were told that you will accept whatever is told you as a philosophy and if you don’t like it we can use the full force of the law against you to make you comply. Is that correct for us?

      The only way you can only successfully resolve this conflict is to engage in Racial separatism. That means that anyone that is white and wishes to be free of non whites and Jews can live separately in our own countries and not be bothering one another. Would you not agree with that?

    3. I am anti Jew taking the Jew as an abstration. That is why my anti semitism can be related to Otto Weinger’s (jew himself, later baptized)
      In other way I have nothing against the jew as a race, in fact I think that Jews are white med people (most people here disagree with me in this point. And other points)
      I do enjoy the sophistication of jewish thought such Husserl (mentor of Heidegger), Arendt (lover of Heidegger), or Zsta (heideggerian argentinian jew philosopher)
      But the zionpower in the West have to be keep on bay. And, above all, we must KNOW. The jew is behind neocon wars, the jew is behind Kalergi Plan, etc.
      Regarding the dykes… I have nothing against homosexuals as long as they do not dare to pervert children in primary schools, and as lo g as they stop their unbearable non stop propaganda.
      Regardind arabs, blacks, panchitos, etc, i am totally ok with them as long as they do not come to Europe en masse, and if they do, they should be sterilized. And I support native americans in the US and aborygens and maoris in Australia and New Zeland, and texan chicanos in Texas, considering Texas is their motherland which was stolen from Mexico.
      So, nuancing is very important, being subtle is very important, and being subtle is very jew, by the way.

        1. It seems, being very genealogical, that jews are not actually Med, but from northern Turkey or somewhere close. In that case, they would be caucasian (caucasian from Caucasus} whites, same as armenians, georgians, uzbeks, many turks and some iranians.

        2. howard,

          Who is “us”? If you don’t like what most of the mass media have to say, turn it off just like I do. You do have a say through the constitutional process. Aren’t you an adult? You should then realize you don’t get everything in life that you want, so you should man up and accept that. This isn’t a dictatorship as some certain people here want.


          Are you even American? If you paid attention, you would’ve seen I don’t want our country to turn into Central America. But an international white ethnostate is a delusional fantasy. Where has such a thing worked?
          When I watch FIFA, I see white South Africans and Brazilians cheering their mostly nonwhite players against white players of foreign countries. Nationalism was a huge factor behind both world wars and religion behind the Northern Ireland conflict.
          Whether you like it or not, God and country are stronger driving factors for the vast majority of people than race is. Race is a part of that, but most of us will fly our flags against foreigners of the same race even as our homelands darken.


          Aren’t you Mexican? There was no Mexico before the Spaniards arrived and colonized your cannibal Aztec ancestors. Just as there was no America until the British arrived so nothing was stolen from the American Indians.
          Mexico wasn’t stolen. That’s just La Raza propaganda. It was won fair and square in the Mexican American War.

          1. yuppie

            “Who is “us”? If you don’t like what most of the mass media have to say, turn it off just like I do. You do have a say through the constitutional process. Aren’t you an adult? You should then realize you don’t get everything in life that you want, so you should man up and accept that. This isn’t a dictatorship as some certain people here want. ”

            * You do have a say through the constitutional process. – Not for whites; its AGAINST whites

            * You should then realize you don’t get everything in life that you want, so you should man up and accept that. – in other words: white boy, shut up and do what your told !

            * This isn’t a dictatorship as some certain people here want. – it isn’t ? it is for the white people. if you hate whites , why do come here ? Don’t come !

          2. No, I am a Spaniard.
            Yes, you won Texas in war. OK. I just say that for Mex descents, Texas is their ancestral land. Not the same for Mex descents living in New Hampshire, for instance.

            1. trajano,

              You’re Spanish living in Spain?

              If Mexicans living in Texas consider themselves Mexican and not American, they should return to Mexico. Jews were originally Semites, not Europeans. After they were expelled by the Romans, they spread out through the empire and many intermarried with the local populations.


              What’s a dictatorship? What are you babbling about?

              I didn’t complain when Obama was elected twice. The Democrats organized better, McCain and Romney were uninspiring, and Bush did such a poor job that he doomed the Republicans twice. Millions of white voters including myself helped elect Trump. Though he’s been a disappointment in many things, he’s the lesser evil and most of us will vote for him again. If you don’t like him, vote for Biden or go third party.
              Or run yourself, though you probably won’t since I doubt anyone would vote for you.
              So yes, you do have a voice.
              You appear to be very unhappy that most of our race doesn’t adhere to your delusional international ethnostate vision and alt-right extremism. In that case, get off your duff and work to change minds as Martinez is trying to do in his extremely limited way.

              1. Yuppie

                Yes, Spanish living in Spain.
                What I meant about the Mexican descents in Texas and native americans in the entire US is that they are there before you, anglos, jews, italian americans, polish anericans, the rest of hispanics, etc. They do not come from inmigration. Of course they shoul feel (and I am sure they do) americans,
                I am supportive of all native people in their ancestral land, including native europeans.
                Yes, jews are semite, semites are whites, in my opinion. Not Europen originslly, but white. Not only askenz jews but sephardi jews, s well.

                1. trajano,

                  The American Indians were in the New World before the Portuguese, Spanish, French, Dutch, and British arrived but they didn’t have nations and private property. That’s why they had no right to the land.

                  Some Mexican-Americans and other Hispanics assimilate to our culture and are grateful to be Americans. Unfortunately, many do not. Google Hispanic assimilation failed and you’ll see the statistics for yourself. Assimilation of nonwhites can happen if the white population is at least 75%, immigration is low, and the country encourages assimilation. This is not the situation right now.

                  I think only Europeans are considered white, not Semites. Some Semitic ethnicities like the Phoenicians and Persians assimilated into ancient Roman civilization and many of them intermarried with their Roman colonizers. Unfortunately, Judaism encourages ethnocentrism so Jews generally weren’t like those other Semites.

                  Fortunately, there are some Jews who do assimilate into their host countries and put their host country interests first.

    4. “Blue dog democrats”. That is interesting, in this country that position would be related to the right wing of the socialdemocrat party. I used to be one of them in the early 90s. And, in a way, I still. I guess most peple on the right side of socialdemocracy, labour party, US democrats, etc. they joined the nationalpopulism in the 10s.

    5. Your experience is a common one among those of us who are somewhat sympathetic to the alt-right but disillusioned by our experiences with them, yuppie.

      When my friends and classmates and I got redpilled on the race and Israel question, we joined some forums (I’m sure many here are active on them) to fraternize with like minds. Boy, was that a shocking mistake!
      All we saw were extreme or unrealistic solutions, blaming, and infighting.
      A few of my friends are minorities and they were harassed and threatened even though they actually agreed with most of the nationalist sentiments on those boards.

      It didn’t help that most of the forum members admitted to being drug users, alcoholics, been in prison, unemployed or on welfare, poor, or heavily tattooed and pierced.

      Optics are important and trash making up the bulk of your movement is a huge turn off to those of us in the white middle class in the suburbs and without our demographic, any movement is ultimately doomed.

      Thankfully, we discovered much more respectable outlets like American Renaissance and Vdare and I suggest you do the same.

        1. Excellent, excellent! He forgot (not a critique) the maneuvers of Stalin in Spain in the 30s, along with the invasion of Poland by Trotski in the 20s, the invasion of Finland, the invasion of Romania, the invasion of the Baltics and the invasion of Poland in 39. It seems churchill was sensible enough in 1936 to not help the so called “democrats” (commies and anarchists, actually) in Spain and let Franco to free Spain. We were lucky because no jews in Spain and the few jews were backing Franco, like Juan March, the uktra rich jew from Mallorca.

  2. What puzzles me is why you would even visit a website like this which is essentially pro Fascist even National Socialist let alone feel obliged to tell us all about your Jewish lover or your lesbian neighbours. Good luck preserving your constitutional Republic when the majority of the US population is from South America. I’m sure those charming Mexican labourers toiling in the fields of Texas on what was once Mexican land will care alot about your constitution .You are right about one thing though far right politics will never catch on in the US because the majority of colored Americans think tribaly and vote left while White Americans all think of themselves as individuals who’s identity as a nation today was largely created by Jewish film makers in Hollywood.

  3. Jews are evil because they believe in Judaism, which is a plan to enslave other races. But even jew is not jew by religion, he is still evil because race what is thousands of years believe that they must enslave other races, can not be good. Not bad religon make bad jews but bad jews make bad religion judaism.

  4. I think that homosexuals is not problem. Homosexsuals was even in Old Roman Empire. Problems is that homosexsuals is in marxist LGBT movement whose leaders are jews. White race enemy number one is always jew.

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