Understanding the Progressive Mind Virus

By Philippe Armstrong

George Orwell wrote 1984 more than seventy years ago. He described a totalitarian state in which language was used to control the thoughts of citizens. If you control the language, you control the society. We have reached that point with aggressive political correctness and compelled speech laws. Modern manifestations of progressives are Antifa and the transgenders. Antifa’s appeal is totalitarian certitude and militant political correctness (groupthink). 

Progressivism is rebadged Marxism. Its aim is to destroy the family, promote LGBT and feminism. It embraces moral relativism. The transgenders push their delusions on everyone else. Progressives destroy the education system by installing Marxist professors in universities. Progressives want everyone to be unable to fend for themselves. They worship victimhood and divide society by the oppressors and the oppressed. 

Abortion is the issue that highlights how poisoned progressivism is the most. The social justice warriors think it natural that a child should not be born. They use snazzy words like reproductive rights, choice, freedom and so on. They believe in equal opportunity, but just not if you are in a womb. Clinics just help them escape parenting by killing an unborn child who is an inconvenience and getting in the way of what they want. 

The left want to make abortion seem fashionable and liberating. They wish to whitewash and make something most unclean and gruesome look clean. An abortion procedure is the only thing a progressive objects about being shown on television. Anything else is fine. Glamourising abortion is the objective. Progressives would not hesitate for a second in telling the authorities if they saw a parent smack their child, but they march to decapitate, butcher and disembowel children to death.

But of course if a baby is wanted they take selfies, have their bellies on the front cover of magazines, have baby showers, take pictures for Instagram, frame their ultrasound pictures and more. But if unwanted the language changes to fetus, a burden, an invader,  a parasite, a bunch of cells. The word fetus gives it distance and detachment. 

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