Will the Chink Flu Toughen the Millennials?

By Phillipe Armstrong

Despite the high cost of the coronavirus, there is one positive that will come out of it. The millennials would have toughened up to some degree. Well, has it taught them about what socialism would look like? This is a small sample of what socialism will look like. Your business has been forced to close which is out of your control or severely restricted in how it operates due to coronavirus.

Now, think about what it would be like for the government to seize it under socialism? Not closed or restricted because of a virus but because you are a capitalist and the hated class according the the central government. You will become a property of the state under socialism. The socialist planners will have Antifa to ramp up their attacks. The transformation will be violent. Private property would be confiscated, places of worship or associations will fall under the control of the state. Each person would simply be assigned a duty to the state. Guns would all be seized. The masses will toil to sustain a few elites whilst the oligarchs live in luxury. The masses will live in poverty.

You think that cannot happen in the United States or Australia? It happened in China, the USSR, Vietnam, Cambodia, Venezuela, Cuba and many other places. You may even be re-educated if you are the hated capitalist class and do not embrace socialism as much as you should. We all know professors at universities do not get a position if they do not show enough enthusiasm for social justice warrior causes or do not avidly support socialist tenets.

The millennials have been brought up with victim culture and oppression Olympics. It has been a culture of blame. Merit has been eradicated, quotas are now in place at universities, discipline has been erased. Millennials want everything and now. They know little of thrift, endeavor and sacrifices. The onus has heavily shifted from personal responsibility to outside forces being the problem and authorities are sought for their health and it is viewed that authority figures are responsible for their lives. 

5 thoughts on “Will the Chink Flu Toughen the Millennials?

  1. The virus does not exist. It is all a scam. Who is behind., that is another question.. I am not going to fall in the old trap of “it is the x, it is the z, it is the y, it is all together”. I let that to historians and detectives. I only tell what is my observation, what is the lack of coherence in stories I hear and what is my intuition. This is not scientific. But all this not only smells like scam, smells like a terrible orwellian coup.
    Even in the middle ages, the dead by pest had the right to a RIP prayer with a priest and the relatives. And the right to be buried in a common grave.
    And today, in this country, the State is going to give FREE tons of money to the private banks meanwhile the private banks are going to let money with usura to the small businessmen and autonomous workers. For instance. The EU is doing right not giving a single ñenny to this local govermnent of communists and leaches.

  2. Hey millennials STFU, do your whining on the internet from your basements,
    At the annual Baby Boomer conference last September in Watkins Glen, NY it was decided to lock your asses up and take your last penny.
    Those $Trillions are to refinance our reverse mortgages and Social Security.
    Oh, and by the way, enjoy holding your Yang Bag in your left hand and your pecker (if you haven’t cut it off) in your right hand watching all that free porn on the new 5G.

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