Canada: 18 Dead in Mass Shooting in Nova Scotia

This is what happens to a multi-racial society with no common ethos that binds people together.


A gunman disguised as a policeman killed at least 18 people, including a female Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officer, in the worst mass shooting in Canada’s modern history.

The 12-hour rampage started late on Saturday and ended with a car chase.

Police said the suspect shot people at different locations in Nova Scotia, many of them randomly. He was killed in a confrontation with police.

He was reported to have been driving what looked like a police car. 

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau described the attack as “a terrible situation”. 

“We stand with you and we grieve with you,” he said, addressing the nation on Monday. 

Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil told reporters this was “one of the most senseless acts of violence in our province’s history”.

The gunman is said to be a 51-year-old white male with no known political affiliation.

Most likely mentally ill.

In a monocultural, mono racial society that has a common bond and purpose, things like this wouldn’t happen.

The truth is that white men are getting blackpilled on life and losing all hope for the future. They see the hordes of brown immigrant invaders entering their spaces, irreparably changing the environment around them to suit the sensibilities of the foreign interlopers. White men are seeing this transpire at a rapid pace, and they are becoming enraged, as they should. But some of them are misplacing their rage by going on random shooting sprees, killing mostly other white people.

I don’t know if that’s what motivated this guy or not, but I’m just making a general point about the state of our societies, and how the neo-marxist elite are purposely pushing white men out of the door. Neo-marxists and globalists are implementing every conceivable policy to disenfranchise the white heterosexual male and make him an extinct species.

And they wonder why violence of this nature is becoming more frequent?

Multiculturalism and multiracialism breed division, fissures, mistrust and ultimately violence. The more these neo-marxists and globalists push for a steady-stream of immigration and “diversity” hokum, the more violent our society will become.

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