Communist Jew Bernie Sanders Drops Out of Presidential Race

Jewish Bolshevik Bernie Sanders has dropped out of the presidential race, leaving only senile child molester Joe Biden in the running.


Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders announced Wednesday that he is dropping out of the Democratic presidential race, after weeks of clinging to an all-but-impossible path to victory over his moderate rival Joe Biden in a race now frozen by the coronavirus crisis.

Sanders thanked his supporters for helping the country take a “major step forward” in progressives’ quest to address inequality, but said that he had made the “difficult and painful” decision to end his campaign.

“While we are winning the ideological battle and while we are winning this support of so many young people and working people throughout the country, I have concluded that this battle for the Democratic nomination will not be successful,” Sanders said in a livestream address to his supporters Wednesday.

Sanders called Biden, who is now the presumptive Democratic nominee, a “decent man” on Wednesday, but did not explicitly endorse him. Sanders has said consistently he would endorse the Democratic nominee if he did not win the primary. Biden has been behaving as if the general election is already underway since a spree of decisive victories in early March, and he recently informed Sanders he was already beginning the search for his vice president.

Bernie’s campaign platform was the genocide of the white race.

Joe Biden’s campaign platform is the genocide of the white race.

The only difference between the two is that Biden doesn’t want to redistribute as much cash to the racial minorities as Bernie does.

Bernie wanted to take money from rich Jews and whites and give it to poor blacks and Hispanics. Biden doesn’t want to do that, he just wants to flood the country with more blacks and Hispanics and punish whites who speak out against it.

Biden is for full Jewish Supremacy, whereas Bernie was for Full Dindu Supremacy.

3 thoughts on “Communist Jew Bernie Sanders Drops Out of Presidential Race

  1. “Communist Jew Bernie Sanders Drops Out of Presidential Race”
    but to be fair, he had 6,000,000 different reasons to do so…

  2. What aware white person could now vote for his campaign. I get the healthcare issue in the USA is not great but yet at the same time how the hell could vote for any of these fools?

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