Drug Addicts Are Selfish Losers

By Philippe Armstrong

The root of drug addiction is selfishness. It does not matter what changes may occur to the brain from abusing drugs and alcohol year after year, the root problems are selfishness. The way of recovery is unselfish action. Whether you want to blame others, blame your childhood or your teacher telling you off and sending you outside the room when you were 10 does not change the fact that addiction is acquired through selfish action.

Society likes to blame all sorts of reasons. The left hate personal responsibility-grievances and blame is their ideology. Whole industries are created from blame, grievance and victimhood. Fake industries thrive in a leftist world. Addicts are like children who refuse to grow up. They find pleasure in infantile things like snorting or injecting. They blame their environment, genes or maybe their teacher at school who gave them a name.

Growing up means putting away childish things. It means responsibility and hard work. Drug taking is a pathetic person’s attempt to gain pleasure and a most lazy person’s way. Drug addicts assault, rob, harass and tear down families to get their way. They feel entitled. They manipulate others. It is their choice and they can deal with the consequences. It is like a women who kill their offspring. If she is going down that path she can deal with the consequences. 

After the druggies go through rehab, they expect to be thrown a congratulations parade and for meeting a standard of not injecting, snorting, swallowing pills or whatever. They actually want to be praised for being a normal citizen. There are few more acts more selfish than drug taking. After destroying the society around them, they then expect to be given a reception and great honors for beating a pathetic addiction. An addict’s life revolves around who they can target next and trick. 

3 thoughts on “Drug Addicts Are Selfish Losers

  1. “The root of drug addiction is selfishness.” I disagree. I think it’s due to someone having no purpose in life.
    “The way of recovery is unselfish action.” I agree 100% with this solution.

  2. You van be addicted to Everything try take away Sugar for example and You Will find out how hard it is

    I was drug addict in the past but once people finally woke up from Russia worship i avle to get out of that bubble

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