France: Black Thug Assaults Old French Man

I’ve been to France. The place is quickly becoming a nesting place for African tree apes.

This is a good reason to deport all blacks from France.

Blacks always go for the easy target, don’t they?

Like hyenas, blacks usually operate in packs and go for easy prey that have little chance of defending themselves.

That’s why you see these chimpanzees attacking old people, women, or young and skinny white males who can’t put up a fight.

Blacks are a grave, mortal threat to whites. They need to be sent back to the jungle where they belong.

3 thoughts on “France: Black Thug Assaults Old French Man

  1. Blacks have nothing in common with white European people or white American people what so ever. Their totally alien to us. Jews and Muslims are also totally alien to whites. The only thing Jews, Muslims and Blacks want to do to western civilization is conquer western civilization. And we can’t let that happen. We love our churches our nation’s and are families to much to let that happen
    We have to do what ever it takes to stop them. We’re finding out. the hard way that Hitler was 100% right about the Jews. The Germans are our white brothers . Jews are the white race’s enemy. We have to act fast to save our western civilization. We can not let the jews conquer our western nations!

    1. Frank Morris,
      How can we ever escape from these Ashkenazis? Everywhere there is money to be made, money to be stolen, people to be raped, people to be enslaved, people to be tortured and killed, they are always there. The only way I could imagine it possible, short of a mass migration to a new location, is if we set up a parallel society alongside whatever society it is that we previously created and they already infiltrated — current day USA. No doubt this has been thought of millions of times over.

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